An absolutely gorgeous day for a walk!! Sunny skies, a light breeze, and good music on #60sgold.
#220lbGoal #BeInspired #BeInspiring #EyeOfSauronVirtualChallenge #Route66VirtualChallenge #GettingFitAt51 #FitFederationMay #Under245lbs #Top10Percent #567km #352Miles
#60sgold #220lbgoal #BeInspired #BeInspiring #eyeofsauronvirtualchallenge #route66virtualchallenge #gettingfitat51 #fitfederationmay #Under245lbs #top10percent #567km #352miles
#BeInspired #BeInspiring #GettingFitAt51 #fatlossplan #weightlossplan #Walking #weighlossover50 #FitFederation #FitFederationMay #HealthJourney #Weightloss #220lbGoal #ThisIsALifestyle #CantGiveUpWontGiveUp #Under245bs
#BeInspired #BeInspiring #gettingfitat51 #fatlossplan #weightlossplan #walking #weighlossover50 #FitFederation #fitfederationmay #healthjourney #weightloss #220lbgoal #thisisalifestyle #cantgiveupwontgiveup #under245bs
Forgot to post this yesterday, took a walk on the trail, and worked on my tan; two birds, one stone. #BeInspired #BeInspiring #GettingFitAt51 #fatlossplan #weightlossplan #Walking #weighlossover50 #FitFederation #FitFederationMay #HealthJourney #Weightloss #220lbGoal #ThisIsALifestyle #CantGiveUpWontGiveUp #Under245bs
#BeInspired #BeInspiring #gettingfitat51 #fatlossplan #weightlossplan #walking #weighlossover50 #FitFederation #fitfederationmay #healthjourney #weightloss #220lbgoal #thisisalifestyle #cantgiveupwontgiveup #under245bs
It was an absolutely gorgeous day for a walk!!
#220lbGoal #BeInspired #BeInspiring #EyeOfSauronVirtualChallenge #Route66VirtualChallenge #GettingFitAt51 #FitFederationMay #Under245lbs #Top9Percent #546km #339Miles
#220lbgoal #BeInspired #BeInspiring #eyeofsauronvirtualchallenge #route66virtualchallenge #gettingfitat51 #fitfederationmay #Under245lbs #top9percent #546km #339miles
Sunny skies and warm weather!!!
#220lbGoal #BeInspired #BeInspiring #EyeOfSauronVirtualChallenge #Route66VirtualChallenge #GettingFitAt51 #FitFederationMay #Under245lbs #Top9Percent #538km #334Miles
#220lbgoal #BeInspired #BeInspiring #eyeofsauronvirtualchallenge #route66virtualchallenge #gettingfitat51 #fitfederationmay #Under245lbs #top9percent #538km #334miles
With rain predicted for every day this week, I'm really hoping to get my steps in without issue!!!
#220lbGoal #BeInspired #BeInspiring #EyeOfSauronVirtualChallenge #Route66VirtualChallenge #GettingFitAt51 #FitFederationMay #Under245lbs #Top9Percent #521km #323Miles
#220lbgoal #BeInspired #BeInspiring #eyeofsauronvirtualchallenge #route66virtualchallenge #gettingfitat51 #fitfederationmay #Under245lbs #top9percent #521km #323miles
I have spent way too many Saturdays sitting in my chair, drinking coffee, and watching tv. Today, it's back to Saturday morning walks! What changes can you make to improve your goals?
#220lbGoal #BeInspired #GettingFitAt51 #FitFederationMay #Top9Percent #515km #320Miles
#220lbgoal #BeInspired #gettingfitat51 #fitfederationmay #top9percent #515km #320miles
Tried out a new walking trail, and I have to say I wasn't too impressed. Damn!!!!
#220lbGoal #BeInspired #BeInspiring #EyeOfSauronVirtualChallenge #Route66VirtualChallenge #GettingFitAt51 #FitFederationMay #Under245lbs #Top10Percent #504km #313Miles
#220lbgoal #BeInspired #BeInspiring #eyeofsauronvirtualchallenge #route66virtualchallenge #gettingfitat51 #fitfederationmay #Under245lbs #top10percent #504km #313miles
Once again I'm reminded why I don't take Hawkeye on Workout Walks, I didn't even get in 2 miles!!!!
#220lbGoal #BeInspired #BeInspiring #EyeOfSauronVirtualChallenge #Route66VirtualChallenge #GettingFitAt51 #FitFederationMay #Under245lbs #Top10Percent #499km #310Miles
#220lbgoal #BeInspired #BeInspiring #eyeofsauronvirtualchallenge #route66virtualchallenge #gettingfitat51 #fitfederationmay #Under245lbs #top10percent #499km #310miles
It's been YEARS since I played Disc Golf, and what a great day it was! It's always good to mix things up in your workout routine!!
#220lbGoal #BeInspired #BeInspiring #GettingFitAt51 #FitFederationMay #Under245lbs #Top10Percent #496km #308Miles #DiscGilf
#220lbgoal #BeInspired #BeInspiring #gettingfitat51 #fitfederationmay #Under245lbs #top10percent #496km #308miles #discgilf
Pushing myself to continue to fight for my health can be exhausting and defeating, but determination and the desire to live longer keep me going.
#220lbGoal #BeInspired #BeInspiring #GettingFitAt51 #FitFederationMay #Under245lbs #Top10Percent #495km #307Miles #LocalWildlife
#220lbgoal #BeInspired #BeInspiring #gettingfitat51 #fitfederationmay #Under245lbs #top10percent #495km #307miles #localwildlife
300 miles in 120 days. It's not really a record for me, but I'll take it. Never give up, never surrender.
#220lbGoal #BeInspired #BeInspiring #EyeOfSauronVirtualChallenge #Route66VirtualChallenge #GettingFitAt51 #FitFederationMay #Under245lbs #Top10Percent #487km #302Miles
#220lbgoal #BeInspired #BeInspiring #eyeofsauronvirtualchallenge #route66virtualchallenge #gettingfitat51 #fitfederationmay #Under245lbs #top10percent #487km #302miles