#FITbit accureted the quality of my #sleeping.
But on yesterday, it’s bad.(#poor)
So sad and why?
#Fitbit #fitbit2 #FIT $FIT #fitlistopad #fitnessmotivation #marathon #honolulumarathon
#fitbit #sleeping #poor #fitbit2 #fit #fitlistopad #fitnessmotivation #marathon #honolulumarathon
I bought #fitbit2, the old-fashioned #Fitbit watch.
But I can accurate bpm, walking distance, burned calories and so on.
I heard it can note the quality of my sleeping accurately, but is it true?
I want to buy the stock of the Fitbit
#FIT $FIT #fitlistopad #diet #honolulumarathon
#fitbit2 #fitbit #fit #fitlistopad #diet #honolulumarathon