Morning everyone...Back to the gym and weights 🏋🏼♀️ today. Then Yoga class tonight 😊 Haven't been to gym in over a week, although been cycling more. Cycled to work Tues & Wed and out to neighbouring village for coffee, Sunday morning. 🚴🏼♀️ #fitover50 😁
The Flatirons never fail to inspire and delight. #Trailrun #Boulder #FitOver50
I feel like such a fraud
I need to come clean. I’m heavier than I have ever been, my blood pressure is way too high, and I’ve been lying to myself about it. One thing I learned before I gave up drinking was that we all get to declare what our own ‘bottom’ is for a problematic behavior. I am calling this ‘reached bottom’. It hurts me to know that it got this far.
Read more 👍 ➡️
#healthyaging #resilience #strong99 #thrivinglonger #longevity #fitover50 #mindfulness
#mindfulness #fitover50 #longevity #thrivinglonger #strong99 #resilience #HealthyAging
*Rucking and Birdwatching: The new Peanut Butter and Chocolate?*
It's Spring, the birds are starting to flock through the Colorado - the "Central Flyway" - and it's time to get outside and invent a new sport. It turns out there is some longevity science behind dual task walking, carrying a heavy load, and bird watching, or as I like to call it: birdruckin.
Read the full article at ...
#birdwatching #rucking #fitover50 #longevity #thrivinglonger #strong99
Friday night in the books. It kicked my ass tonight, but got it done. Still going through a ton of water during.
90 minutes of mace bell cross, lift and curl (3x20 on each arm) and mace work (3x15 minutes).
After workout wind down is bed…
#fitness #fitnessover50 #fitover50
#fitness #fitnessover50 #fitover50
So good to be back in the gym after a few days off. This workout was not in my wheelhouse (well the deadlifts are) but I was happy I did all the running IRL as the kids say (no biking).
Friday night workout in the books.
3x60 cross curl and lift with the mace bell and 3x15 minutes with the sword.
Thirsty tonight for some reason - went through about a gallon of water.
Got in a decent #run & #trained my core
#fitover50 #fitness #trained #run
Friday night in the books. The broadsword is the heaviest sword I have and yeah my arms are telling me about it.
3x20 lift, cross and curl with the mace bell on each side and 3x15 minutes with the broadsword.
Lovely #skitour today. Forecast was for high winds and we had a few but overall epic. #Boulder #fitover50
Friday night workout in the books. Started with a headache, which is gone now but I’m definitely done for the night.
3x60 reps with the mace bell lift and curl. 3x15 minutes working with the mace.
Lovely day for a #trailrun - almost *too* warm out there (not complaining, really). #Boulder #fitover50
Friday night weights and sword work in the books.
Was tough and felt like I was slowing down on the last set which is shown in the time.
3x60 curl and lift on the mace bell and 3x15 minutes of sword work.
#fitness #fitover50
Great way to start a day:
1. Crossfit
2. Breakfast #burrito (Skratch added more kimchi it seems, yeah!)
3. Long walk in the sunshine
Now off to a solid day of businessy stuff. #fitOver50
Not a lot of pep this morning. But good to be in the gym. #fitover50 #crossfit
Friday night mace workout in the books.
3x20 lift and curl on each arm with the mace bell and 3x15 minutes working with the mace.
Felt good and strangely made my calf feel better too. Odd. Calf has been stiff for about a week slowing my walk. Tonight is the first time it’s felt good in a week.
4 x 1500m #intervals with a 4 minute rest on my #erg this morning. Nearly quit the last interval but I made it.
#rowing #exercise #fitness #eood #exerciseoutofdepression #fitover50
#intervals #erg #rowing #exercise #fitness #eood #exerciseoutofdepression #fitover50
Overcooked the first two intervals on my rowing machine. Had to stop. Fuck.
#exercise #rowing #eood #fitness #fitover50