Hello. It’s Friday. Therefore #FiveforFriday.
@WyrdScience - Gorgeous ‘Hobby’ mag. Covers a wild range of topics.
@mcjwarhammer - hot (🥁) #HorusHeresy on the go!
@eke - Great spread of #Minis, recent #40k terrain you need to look out.
@rushputin - Can’t believe I’ve not shared already! Recent stream of amazing #AoS #MiniPainting.
@AdeptusSmurfus - go forth, find the Titan. Oh my.
#FF #FollowFriday #Warhammer #WarhammerCommunity #Hobby #Miniatures #Painting #Miniatures #PaintingMinis
#fiveforfriday #horusheresy #minis #40k #aos #minipainting #ff #followfriday #warhammer #warhammercommunity #Hobby #miniatures #painting #paintingminis
In this #FiveforFriday weeks edition fresh off the toot press.
@Bluejay first finished on #FediPaint, also some other amazing Death Guard.
@tirodactyl some very sweet #Tyranids right now.
@sleepysod some #Mordheim Witchhunters your timeline needs.
@Mycomancer awesome Tyranids but some recent Thousand Sons on the go.
@Jockpaints superb Lion El commission up this week.
#FF #FollowFriday #Warhammer #WarhammerCommunity #Hobby #Miniatures
#fiveforfriday #fedipaint #Tyranids #Mordheim #ff #followfriday #warhammer #warhammercommunity #Hobby #miniatures
Having missed out on last week and with a #DND session kicking off here's a very quick #FiveforFriday #FF of some excellent #Hobbyodon folks to follow!
@tirodactyl @arcticEdge @NVGimble
@jaspersminis @tasthesose
#FollowFriday #Warhammer #WarhammerCommunity #Hobby #Miniatures
#dnd #fiveforfriday #ff #hobbyodon #followfriday #warhammer #warhammercommunity #Hobby #miniatures
Two folks that are on Mastodon instances but who gotten themselves miniature.photography as well.
@fbry - generally a great spread, but has some admech on the go right now and they’re shaping up to look amazing
@DjombaGorath - just started very recently and there’s been a photo dump of lots of amazing death guard.
#FiveforFriday #FF #FollowFriday #Warhammer #WarhammerCommunity #Hobby #Miniatures
#fiveforfriday #ff #followfriday #warhammer #warhammercommunity #Hobby #miniatures
Just finished 6 hours of driving and I’m going to tell you all some #FF, imagine how good these accounts must be. You should definitely follow them.
@uloleo - you have to see the Orks he’s just completed. They’re pitch perfect.
@Berit - the brain behind the #FediPaint, if you haven’t seen this yet, it’s a great initiative.
@aurelie - A cracker. Endless amazing pictures of minis.
#FiveforFriday #FollowFriday #Warhammer #WarhammerCommunity #Hobby #Miniatures
#ff #fedipaint #fiveforfriday #followfriday #warhammer #warhammercommunity #Hobby #miniatures
@heretic_hannes - amazing minis and lovely to natter to. Sorta hobby account that makes Masto!
@belisarius - bit of a GW palette cleanser. Lots of #ImagiNation #HistoricalWargaming, all which just look amazing. Worth a follow to broaden you horizons.
@Holyfireman - somehow missed this one out till now. Clearly saving it. Simply put, stunning #minis your timeline needs.
#FiveforFriday #FF #FollowFriday #Warhammer #WarhammerCommunity #Hobby #Miniatures
#imagination #historicalwargaming #minis #fiveforfriday #ff #followfriday #warhammer #warhammercommunity #Hobby #miniatures
#FF Getting this one out early. Nothing to do with the nappy I’ve just changed and my inability to get back to sleep, just organised.
@rob - what better way to start this than the mod of parentplayers.com. Some nice minis on the timeline (worth a follow @evilkipper!).
@ASL_Miles - You’ve seen their harbinger? No? You’re missing out on one of the best bits of #miniphotography here.
#FiveforFriday #FollowFriday #Warhammer #WarhammerCommunity #Hobby #Miniatures
#ff #miniphotography #fiveforfriday #followfriday #warhammer #warhammercommunity #Hobby #miniatures
Friday! Follow recommendations for the Hobbyiverse.
@biggeordiegeek - some lovely stuff coming from this account. Definitively follow if you want a timeline of lovely minis.
@virtualwolf - great account generally, but excitingly they’ve a set of Cursed City on the table at the moment.
@D6Geek - commission painter and as you’d expect, oh my, there are some gorgeous miniatures coming from here.
#FiveforFriday #FF #FollowFriday #Warhammer #WarhammerCommunity #Hobby #Miniatures
#fiveforfriday #ff #followfriday #warhammer #warhammercommunity #Hobby #miniatures
Brief pause to deal with some nappy business now here’s [2/2].
@pidgeon_pete - brilliant very stylistic #minipainting pieces from this account, but this week. Ooh-la-la #CyberPunk-esque minis blowing things away.
@Valheru - my mildly off Hobby one this week, bit of a cheat as it is a hobby account, but would you like your hobby served with a slice of motorbike content and amusing takes.
#FiveForFriday #FF #FollowFriday #Warhammer #WarhammerCommunity #Hobby #Miniatures
#minipainting #cyberpunk #fiveforfriday #ff #followfriday #warhammer #warhammercommunity #Hobby #miniatures
Friday again (it is right?) five folks I can only recommend you follow if you want a lovely homepage to peruse.
@dazpaints - awesome #Chaos #SpaceMarine project on the go just now
@conqueresse - some amazing stuff from@this account, currently working on #Heroquest
@Ti_Dinzeo - lovely hobby account new to Mastodon, got some suitably dark and menacing #40k critters skittering across the table atm.
#FiveForFriday #FF #FollowFriday #Warhammer #WarhammerCommunity #Hobby #Miniatures
#chaos #SpaceMarine #heroquest #40k #fiveforfriday #ff #followfriday #warhammer #warhammercommunity #Hobby #miniatures