In the home stretch of a painted resin model kit. Botched a few bits, didn’t quite get the surface finish right, managed to chip a bit of paint. But… the total effect is gonna be pretty good, and I just have to accept some mistakes so I can finish it and not go insane.
In the end I hope to finish it with a “pretty good” model kit, and a bunch of new learning.
The next one will be better. I feel it.
#gunpla #fivestarstories #plamo #modelkits
So I was amoungst the stampede of people trying to pre-order Five Star Stories resin kits on the Volks website. I didn’t get my first pick. Or my second. But I did manage to get a clear version of the Goat Mirage, which I definitely wanted.
AmaIng how quickly they all sell out though. #fivestarstories #modelkits #gunpla
#fivestarstories #modelkits #gunpla
Today turned out nice. Weather was beautiful, I went for a walk, days work went by easily, and I got a new model kit.
Specifically, I got a Five Star Stories Speed Mirage. An official resin kit from Volks. Never thought I’d get a proper one — instead of rubbish recasts — but I found it for a good price.
The quality is amazing. Very crisp and clean. I’ll never buy recasts again! #modelkits #fivestarstories #gunpla
#modelkits #fivestarstories #gunpla
Far out. I managed to get a Five Star Stories resin kit for… well. It was expensive, but reasonable for what it is. A Volks HSGK Speed Mirage. I’m very happy. It’s by far my most favourite design from FSS. #gunpla #volks #fivestarstories
#gunpla #volks #fivestarstories
Oh no. Volks just emailed me to say the LED Mirage Inferno is in stock. While I’m in the middle of building the base kit… do I still get it!? It is amazing. Expensive. But amazing. #fivestarstories #volks #plamo #gunpla #modelkits #mecha #robots
#fivestarstories #volks #plamo #gunpla #modelkits #mecha #robots