@orowith2os I have no quibble whatsoever if your personal experience has been that for reasons x, y & z #KDEPlasma has proven unsatisfactory *for you*. It would be unspeakably arrogant & frankly plain ridiculous of me if i were to opine on *your* lived experience, & i try had to avoid that level of disrespect to others.
My quibble though, & the trigger for my expansive "cobblers" post 😉 is simply when peeps attempt to extrapolate their own 100% legitimate personal experience, onto others. That's a bridge too far, & i simply wished to point that out.
[Hoping now to alter the tone of our chat] May i ask pls, which distro/s have provided you this unsatisfactory KDE experience? I ask for this reason, fwiw. During my own adventures in LinuxLand [for which i remain eternally grateful, & still feel daily that all of us #Penguinistas are incredibly fortunate with this magnificent gift to us], I had unambiguously my worst KDE experiences with #Ubuntu-based distros, like Mint, Maui, Kubuntu, Neon.
Once i changed to #openSUSE #Tumbleweed [#Xorg], i had a wonderful Plasma experience; all of the bugs, breakages & annoyances from before, vanished. I believe the likely reason is that #Rolling distros ofc give us ALL the current pkgs, including the libraries upon which KDE relies, whereas #FixedRelease distros like Ubuntu do not.
After #TW I enjoyed another excellent Plasma UX in #Manjaro, albeit after three years of that i moved away for, ahem, "other" reasons... to #ArchLinux, where i remain. Its KDEPlasma #Wayland UX for me is even better than i had in oS TW [#X11], which is frankly a lovely surprise.
So, apols for that boring history, but i mentioned it only to illustrate that MAYBE [only you can know, certainly not me], if perchance your KDE UX might be happier in an alternative distro? 🤷♀️
#KDEplasma #penguinistas #ubuntu #opensuse #tumbleweed #xorg #rolling #fixedrelease #tw #manjaro #archlinux #wayland #x11