@gwaldby There's no efficient way around treating intentional mis- & disinformation, which cause harm as punishable criminal offenses — not as free speech, which approves & honors bad faith behind harmful mis- & disinformation.
So if for example some idiot seriously tells you to swallow disinfectant to treat COVID & you are gullible & naïve enough to believe him, and your inner organs get severely damaged as a result, he FFS needs to be held accountable & punished.
For the sake of justice & to set a deterring & warning example.
Same with harmful mis- & disinformation produced, paid & spread by lie factory Fox "News".
#RuleOfLaw #FreeSpeech vs #HarmfulSpeech #Misinformation #Disinformation #FoxLies #FixFox #ShutFoxDown
#ruleoflaw #freespeech #harmfulspeech #misinformation #disinformation #foxlies #fixfox #shutfoxdown