#FixTheWorld newsletter no.29
In this era of #GlobalBoiling turmoil: our planet is deteriorating fast.
It's a bitter pill to swallow, but we're all active participants in this defining moment.
Join us in taking the metaphorical 'bitter pill' & make a difference & FixTheWorld.
Next #FixTheWorld newsletter #27
First part of a series on "The Art of Life's Steering Wheel." How to survive but thrive in AI world.
Whether you're young or old, I hope you find it thought-provoking, engaging & actionable.
#1stPurpose thoughts?
EarthDay came & gone: from Seeds to Innovation: Nature's 5Lessons:Why Competition is Key for Our Society's Progress & Cooperation; Globalisation vs. Nationalism
#MustWatch video
on multipolar world http://tiny.cc/SachsOnChina
confirming my last #FixTheWorld newsletter #23 on why our world need a healthy competitive environment for common goals #EarthDay
#mustwatch #fixtheworld #earthday
If aliens arrived offering to help clean up our messes, what's the first thing you would ask them for?
#Aliens #Discussion #FixtheWorld #Reader #Readers #Discussion #WritersofMastodon #Writers #Authors #Writer #Author #WriterFuel
#writerfuel #author #writer #authors #writers #writersofmastodon #readers #reader #fixtheworld #discussion #aliens
Breaking Free from Digital Bondage: How to Recognise and Avoid False Idols;
Be an Innovative Maverick Lama
Are you unknowingly worshiping false idols in the digital age?
From influencers & politicians to celebrities + business personalities, the rise of social media has made it easy for people to be led astray from their values & beliefs.
This week's #FixTheWorld or #GiveUp newsletter on how to keep out herbs alive, and how that is linked to your personal and business lives.
Are you feeling overwhelmed by the constant barrage of notifications, pings, and controversies?
In this article, we explore urgent concerns ranging from ongoing conflicts to environmental disasters and financial markets.
This week's #FixTheWorld newsletter
Unmasking the Danger of Viral Content: How TikTok Became a Political football/Weapon: The Unlikely Role of a Comedian & How2Protect Ourselves Online
on Real possible cause of the present Tiktok Congress hearing,
Danger & opportunity of ChatGPT4
how to develop NudgeDefense from media/mis-information nefarious actors/comedians empowered by chatbots
+AI Arts prompted by me
This week's No.18 #FixTheWorld or #GiveUp newsletter
we delve into the aftermath of #SVB, explore the difficulties posed by moral hazards and regulatory capture,
and highlight the parallels that can be drawn with food regulations, which have unfortunately contributed to the obesity crisis in many developed and developing countries.
Can we address these issues? This piece aims to spark important questions and discussions, love to hear your thoughts!
My latest #FixTheWorld or #GiveUp newsletter asked can we merge east & west Philosphy to empower future AI first personal assistant like those from inflectionAI
Can we learn from both Eastern and Western philosophical perspectives to create a more well-rounded approach to moral behavior?
How do we define morality and ethics in an ever-changing world of Generative AI?
Your thoughts?
Throughout hundreds of years of history, various groups of people have faced immense challenges and adversity, from war and conflict to oppression and discrimination.
However, what has emerged time and time again is the resilience and strength of the human spirit in the face of such obstacles.
By looking at the experiences of past generations, we can draw inspiration and apply their lessons to our own struggles, this week's #FixTheWorld newsletter explores all these: http://tiny.cc/Adversity2TriumpMasto
Are you a good corporate/ parent or just a short-term exploitative caregiver?
The parallels between parenting, business and politics : my hopefully thought-provoking insight into the long-term consequences of short-term decision making in parenting, business, and politics, including real-life examples of how prioritising short-term desires and benefits can lead to devastating long-term consequences.
this week's #FixTheWorld or #GiveUp newsletter: http://tiny.cc/CorpParentMasto
The world is a complex tapestry of pain, beauty, love and loss. War-torn countries like Turkey and Syria, and their people affected by the earthquake of the century, are a testament to the fragility of life and the uncertainties that we face every day.
In moments like these, it is easy to feel overwhelmed and helpless.
This article explore what to do in this momentous time, find out how you can help #FixTheWorld and prepare for the challenges that lie ahead.
Redefining #Careers: 5 Shocking Ways the World of Work is Changing in 2023
The world of work is undergoing a profound transformation in 2023, forcing us to rethink our careers as entrepreneurs, investors, and young people.
How do we adapt to this new world of work?
my weekly #FixTheWorld or #GiveUp newsletter explore this via below link, love to hear your thoughts!
Warum nochmal wird alles teurer?
Bitcoin fixes this...
Geldmengenausweitung M2 der letzten Jahrzehnte... finde den Fehler...
#Bitcoin #lightningnetwork #einundzwanzig #gesundesgeld #fixthemoney #fixtheworld #pts #orangepill the people
#Bitcoin #lightningnetwork #einundzwanzig #gesundesgeld #fixthemoney #fixtheworld #pts #orangepill
"Bitcoin ermöglicht es Menschen auf der ganzen Welt, unabhängig von ihrem sozioökonomischen Hintergrund, am globalen Finanzsystem teilzunehmen."
Es schafft Chancengleichheit und gibt den unterprivilegierten die Möglichkeit, ihr Vermögen selbst zu verwalten #Bitcoin #FinancialInclusion #gesundesgeld #einundzwanzig #btc #lightningnetwork #fixthemoney #fixtheworld
#Bitcoin #financialinclusion #gesundesgeld #einundzwanzig #btc #lightningnetwork #fixthemoney #fixtheworld
My weekly #FixTheWorld or #GiveUp newsletter:
Are you ready to take control of your future and achieve something greater?
Today, I'm sharing 3 powerful yet simple steps to help you take control & make positive Impact in the world.
Don't miss this opportunity to learn from personal stories of Nobel Prize winner to Chamath Palihapitiya and discover how you too can overcome personal challenges and achieve your dreams.
All in a few paragraphs within this article.
Finde den Fehler… 🤔 #FixTheMoney #FixTheWorld #BTC #einundzwanzig #Bitcoin
#fixthemoney #fixtheworld #btc #einundzwanzig #Bitcoin
#tootmorning #BTC #Bitcoin #FixTheMoney #FixTheWorld
“Bitcoin is the dominant digital monetary network. The next billion members will pay trillions to join. You might want to join first.” - Michael Saylor (2021)
#tootmorning #btc #Bitcoin #fixthemoney #fixtheworld
my #FixTheWorld or #GiveUp @LinkedIn newsletter
3 issues so far, covered
i) what you can do?
ii) generative AI good or bad?
iii) frugality superpower
love your thoughts, feedback, and why not get involved!