Päivän #entajua
-Kuinka julkisen terveydenhuollon hallinto mahdollistaa seuraavan:
-Terveyskeskukset JA lisääntyvästi sairaalat ostavat yksityisiltä keskuksilta lääkäripalvelua
-Sitä tulevat tekemään ne samat ennen julkisella työskennelleet lääkärit, jotka ovat äänestäneet jaloillaan ja jättäneet julkisen virkansa.
👉 Hirvittävä ylihinta
👉 Keikkalainen Ei Kehitä (teen vaan tän ja häivyn)
👉 Hiljainen tieto rapautuu
Kun luen #valinnanvapaus, ajattelen #myass
#fixthis #kokoomus #myass #valinnanvapaus #entajua
Well, is that when you try to edit post on the app using voice over the app, freezes! Only downside to this otherwise amazing site. #Bugs #FixThis #EditingPost.
What would be in 10 screenshots of your "most salient lines of code", #RStats
users? 🤔
Some of my contenders:
- library(tidyverse)
- #FixThis
- anytime there is a pivot_wider() or a pivot_longer()
- any time my set up of purrr::map() worked for me on the first go
- bow() and scrape() from the {polite} 📦 because I love those workflow names (and yay for ethical #WebScraping!)
(This is an unserious question from an unserious person)
#tidyverse #webscraping #here #fixthis #rstats
What would be in 10 screenshots of your "most salient lines of code", #RStats
users? 🤔
Some of my contenders:
- library(tidyverse)
- #FixThis
- any time there is a pivot_wider() or a pivot_longer()
- any time my set up of purrr::map() worked for me on the first go
- bow() and scrape() from the {polite} 📦 because I love those workflow names (and yay for ethical #WebScraping!)
(This is an unserious question from an unserious person)
#tidyverse #webscraping #here #fixthis #rstats
Eep, first I establish that X, who the protagonist already knows by name, must be Y's sister; then much later he meets her again and knows she's Y's sister but only haltingly remembers her name. #FIXTHIS