Just got done making my first program in #clang. It's nothing special just a #FizzBuzz challenge but strings in this language mess with my brain so it took about 2h. Really interesting nonetheless and i actually learned something. I now understand that char* can be dynamically allocated and char[] is fixed at compile time (i hope lol).
If you got any beginner coding challenges for me shoot, i'd appreciate it.
ChatGippity is also a great resource when needing something explained.
FizzBuzz in @Swift, Six Ways. Since I usually ask FizzBuzz as a small part of a test, at least once each semester, and to avoid @codinghorror 's shared issue that most CS students couldn't complete FizzBuzz, I go through multiple ways to solve this simple yet very common problem, using Swift. Hopefully newbies find this helpful. If you have another favorite Swifty approach feel free to share in the comments so my students have even more resources. Cheers! #Swift #FizzBuzz https://youtu.be/n3uBVgtuTpE
And another instance from a couple days ago:
Luke: If it's made of threes or it's a cube, say Fizz. If it's not made of threes and it's not a cube, just say the number.
Me: Okay.
Luke: One- . . . so that one should be Fizz. Fizz, Two, Fizz, Four, Five, Fizz, Seven, Fizz, Fizz, Ten . . . .
He made it into the thirties before getting bored. When he got to Twenty-Seven, he decided it should be FizzFizz if it's a cube and made of threes.
The blog post is now updated with these new versions :)
Pickle and the FizzBuzz Machine
I told this story to Luke a few days after I taught him the rules of FizzBuzz. I say story, but it’s really a thinly-veiled programming exercise! Not that I had any complaints from Luke about the lack of plot; he was fully engaged in helping me design a FizzBuzz algorithm. I really like how the Pickle universe has become our playground for exploring all these fun abstract concepts . . . .
#screenfreecoding #fizzbuzz #PickleStory
Day 6 of #100DaysOfSwiftUI from https://www.hackingwithswift.com/100/swiftui/6 concluded with Checkpoint 3 and was about loops. This checkpoint was fun as we got to write good old #fizzbuzz I'm still enjoying learning #swiftlang
#100DaysOfSwiftUI #fizzbuzz #swiftlang
@AmenZwa Simpler #code allows for easier #testing - I'm looking at you, #TDD - and easier #debugging: to me, any stack trace shorter than 50 lines is a win.
For the sophistication, #challenge: "How much code can you remove from this program, without breaking it? #Refactor as needed."
Obrigatory joke: #FizzBuzz Enterprise Edition.
#fizzbuzz #refactor #challenge #debugging #tdd #testing #code
Let's try to #test #fizzbuzz via #PropertyBased. Here is a link to an up-and-running #dev environment running a #JavaScript version of the code https://codesandbox.io/s/advent-of-pbt-day-3-vt4j2?file=/src/index.spec.ts&previewwindow=tests 🐎
👋 Today's topic: fizzbuzz
📥 Answer tonight!
More details: https://dev.to/dubzzz/advent-of-pbt-2021-day-3-4mac
#adventofpbt #day3 #test #fizzbuzz #propertybased #dev #javascript
I smile every time I see Hello World as a #firstpost but my heart would grow three sizes bigger if people started posting their #fizzbuzz snippets
https://gugod.org/raku/fizzbuzz-with-type-constraints/ 終究還是寫了篇關於 fizzbuzz 的文章。
#rakulang #fizzbuzz #fizzer #buzzer #fizzbuzzer
#Féval #blog "Stop Interviewing With Leet Code" #recrutement #Code #LeetCode #FizzBuzz #CyberFizzBuzz ... https://fev.al/posts/leet-code/
#Féval #blog #recrutement #code #LeetCode #fizzbuzz #cyberfizzbuzz
#Féval #blog "Stop Interviewing With Leet Code" #recrutement #Code #LeetCode #FizzBuzz #CyberFizzBuzz ... https://fev.al/posts/leet-code/
#cyberfizzbuzz #fizzbuzz #LeetCode #code #recrutement #blog #Féval
#Féval #blog "Stop Interviewing With Leet Code" #recrutement #Code #LeetCode #FizzBuzz #CyberFizzBuzz ... https://fev.al/posts/leet-code/
#Féval #blog #recrutement #code #LeetCode #fizzbuzz #cyberfizzbuzz
Du tri et de la réorganisation dans un repository #GitHub (avec maintenant #Maven ), j'aimerais bien ne pas avoir une telle collection, en augmentation.
Largement de quoi faire un cours. https://github.com/gabywald/CyberFizzBuzz
#recrutement #FizzBuzz #tests #TestsTechniques #CyberFizzBuzz !
#github #maven #recrutement #fizzbuzz #tests #teststechniques #cyberfizzbuzz
Du tri et de la réorganisation dans un repository #GitHub (avec maintenant #Maven ), j'aimerais bien ne pas avoir une telle collection, en augmentation.
Largement de quoi faire un cours. https://github.com/gabywald/CyberFizzBuzz
#recrutement #FizzBuzz #tests #TestsTechniques #CyberFizzBuzz !
#cyberfizzbuzz #teststechniques #tests #fizzbuzz #recrutement #maven #github
Du tri et de la réorganisation dans un repository #GitHub (avec maintenant #Maven ), j'aimerais bien ne pas avoir une telle collection, en augmentation.
Largement de quoi faire un cours. https://github.com/gabywald/CyberFizzBuzz
#recrutement #FizzBuzz #tests #TestsTechniques #CyberFizzBuzz !
#cyberfizzbuzz #teststechniques #tests #fizzbuzz #recrutement #maven #github
#github #simcap "Coffee Machine Project" #coffee #machine #CoffeeMachine #FizzBuzz #CyberFizzBuzz #TDD #SoftwareCraftmanShip ... https://simcap.github.io/coffeemachine/index.html
#github #simcap #coffee #machine #coffeemachine #fizzbuzz #cyberfizzbuzz #tdd #softwarecraftmanship
#github #simcap "Coffee Machine Project" #coffee #machine #CoffeeMachine #FizzBuzz #CyberFizzBuzz #TDD #SoftwareCraftmanShip ... https://simcap.github.io/coffeemachine/index.html
#softwarecraftmanship #tdd #cyberfizzbuzz #fizzbuzz #coffeemachine #machine #coffee #simcap #github