@DenOfEarth @Basmitharts this new seems to take some design cues from the , which probably explains why I like it.

I test drove one of these in 2006. The interior and driving dynamics (around town) were very disappointing, so I never considered buying, but I still like seeing them around.

#fjcruiser #LandCruiser

Last updated 1 year ago

Bargearse · @largess
489 followers · 4793 posts · Server mastodon.au


Wait..what why would you post that ???

One of those things is making the other two much, much worse.

Cars are the source of nearly all our problems. Biodiversity loss, climate change, resource depletion, pollution, urban heat island effect, heightened inequality, urban sprawl etc.

#climatechange #environment #fjcruiser

Last updated 1 year ago

(My first attempt at posting a photo on Mastodon). Bay Pines National Cemetery, Bay Pines, Florida. 77 degrees. πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡²πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡²

#baypines #baypinesfl #baypinesflorida #baypinesnationalcemetery #nationalcemetery #fj #fjcruiser #toyota #toyotafj #toyotafjcruiser

Last updated 2 years ago

(My first attempt at posting a photo on Mastodon). Bay Pines National Cemetery, Bay Pines, Florida. 77 degrees. πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡²πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡²

#baypines #baypinesfl #baypinesflorida #baypinesnationalcemetery #nationalcemetery #fj #fjcruiser #toyota #toyotafj #toyotafjcruiser

Last updated 2 years ago