Australia needs to back out of the #AUKUSPORKUS & Quad conjobs to lessen US deliberate belligerent warmongering against #China makes us a target.
NB: 'However, the commonly held belief that ANZUS ensures that the US would be required to back an Australia under attack is a falsehood, as the United States only ever acts in its own interests, whether that be in relation to Beijing or Canberra.' #USBasesOut #FkTheUS #auspol
#aukusporkus #china #usbasesout #fktheus #auspol
Keep watching that balloon, dorks, and whatever you do, don't think about the US blowing up the #NordStream pipelines creating an environmental disaster where 40,000 metric tons of methane were released over 17 days, equivalent to 1.1 billion pounds of coal, or its vile sanctions over the Syrian earthquake disaster zone or its new aggressive spy bases in the Philippines or its putrid generals' warmongering threats to China. #USBasesOut #FkTheUS
#nordstream #usbasesout #fktheus
Of course the scumbag environmental terrorist & warmonger US blew up the #Nordstream pipelines. Seymour Hersh reports. #USBasesOut #NoWar4US #FkTheUS
#nordstream #usbasesout #nowar4us #fktheus
Biden #SOTU: "Sniff, sniff, gobble, gobble, hey look over there at China, China, China, war, war and more yummy profitable war for our premier MIC corporate predators." #USBasesOut #FkTheUS