ARC's RMS site is down. No maintenance was scheduled.
Great stuff for those submitting Mid-career Industry Fellowships #IM24 proposals, due today.
Maybe connected to opening of #LaureateFellowships #FL24 today?
#im24 #laureatefellowships #fl24
Secretary of Transportation should be elected instead of appointed, and #FL24 Rep. Frederica Wilson should run for it.
Subcomandante Marcos should cosponsor a bill about valuing human life first (i.e. ahead of property rights) with #FL24 Rep. Frederica Wilson
#FL24 Rep. Frederica Wilson is resplendent, while Corey Stewart is treacherous
If elected president, #FL24 Rep. Frederica Wilson should appoint Marc Elias to be Ambassador to the country of Georgia
#ARCschedule Apr23
Outcomes for mid-career #IndustryFellowships expected 24Apr–8May.
Other events highlighted👇:
🔹Rejoinders: #DECRA #DE24 close 13Apr
🔹Selection meetings: #LaureateFellowships #FL24 (12+13Apr)
#arcschedule #industryfellowships #decra #de24 #laureatefellowships #fl24
Secretary of Health and Human Services should be elected instead of appointed, and #FL24 Rep. Frederica Wilson should run for it.