RT @jacquelineUWS :
Last night we were talking about how we hadn’t seen Flaco hunt since he moved to the North Meadow when all of a sudden he swooped down, caught a rat, and ate it whole. He looks so pleased with himself.💕🦉 #birdcpp #birds #birdwatching #flaco
#birdcpp #birds #birdwatching #flaco
RT @jacquelineUWS :
Flaco sporting the wet look after the rain last night. Yesterday marked the beginning of his fifth month of freedom in Central Park.💕🦉 #flaco #birdcpp #birds #birdwatching
#flaco #birdcpp #birds #birdwatching
RT @Above96th :
I spent a little time with Flaco this morning in Central Park just after he finished his breakfast (see video below). He has found a daytime roost where he's unbothered by crows and blue jays, so he's eating well and getting plenty of rest! ❤️🦉❤️#birdcpp #Flaco
RT @jacquelineUWS :
Flaco looking a little glum as workers removed his Komatsu excavator from the Mount last night.💕🦉🚜 #birdcpp #birds #birdwatching #flaco
#birdcpp #birds #birdwatching #flaco
RT @jacquelineUWS
Today marks Flaco’s three monthiversary as a free owl in Central Park. 🥳 After flyout, he went to the construction site and then perched at the Mount, where he eyed an idling garbage truck and was illuminated by its lights.💕🦉
#flaco #birds #birdwatching #birdcpp
VII Feria del Libro de Vallecas 📖✍️📚 5 al 21 de Mayo
Desde el 5 al 21 de Mayo, el distrito de Puente de Vallecas celebra su VII edición de la Feria del Libro de Vallecas, un evento que reúne a escritores, lectores, librerías y entidades culturales del barrio en el Bulevar de Peña Gorbea, creando un espacio idílico para la literatura.
En esta edición, se rinde homenaje a ‘Las Sinsombrero’, nombre con el que se conocía a las mujeres intelectuales y artistas españolas de la Generación del 27 que reivindicaron su valor artístico en contra de las convecciones sociales de la época y lucharon por la igualdad de derechos y oportunidades para las mujeres.
Para que la feria sea todo un éxito, se han preparado medio centenar de actividades para todas las edades, 17 casetas y 400 autores acudirán a esta cita para conversar con sus acérrimos lectores y firmar sus obras.
La pregonera de esta edición es la periodista y escritora Sonsoles Ónega y junto a ella, participarán multitud de rostros conocidos, como la directora y productora Tània Balló, la cantante Luz Casal, la escritora Lara Moreno, la cantaora Eva Duran y varios escritores de Vallecas.
Para conocer todos los detalles de la feria, fechas, autores y actividades, os invitamos a leer la noticia completa en nuestra web pulsando en el siguiente enlace.
#Feria #Libro #Vallecas #Libros #Literatura #Novelas #Comics #Autores #Escritores #Escritoras #Artistas #LasSinsombrero #Generacióndel27 #Mujeres #Homenaje #MarujaMallo #MargaritaManso #MaríaZambrano #DelhyTejero #TàniaBallóColell #Actividades #Charlas #Coloquios #Presentaciones #Pregón #SonsolesÓnega #LuzCasal #LaraMoreno #EvaDurán #Autoedición #SixtoRodríguezLeal #JuanJiménezMancha #PepeMolina #AlfonsoZamora #IgnacioMarín #Flaco #IgnacioPatoLorente #LuisGarcíaMontero #Javierre #Vallecas #Vallekas
#feria #libro #vallecas #libros #literatura #novelas #comics #autores #escritores #escritoras #artistas #lassinsombrero #generaciondel27 #mujeres #homenaje #marujamallo #margaritamanso #mariazambrano #delhytejero #taniaballocolell #actividades #charlas #coloquios #presentaciones #pregon #sonsolesonega #luzcasal #laramoreno #evaduran #autoedicion #sixtorodriguezleal #juanjimenezmancha #pepemolina #alfonsozamora #ignaciomarin #flaco #ignaciopatolorente #luisgarciamontero #javierre #vallekas
RT @birdbud88
Beautiful Flaco 🦉quite damp after the rain @CentralParkNYC #NaturePhotography #TwitterNatureCommunity #TwitterNaturePhotography #nature #birdwatching #BirdTwitter #Flaco #birdcpp
#birdcpp #flaco #birdtwitter #birdwatching #nature #twitternaturephotography #twitternaturecommunity #naturephotography
every time I see a picture of Flaco I think about how @joshgondelman described him as "built like a honey-baked ham", look at this little guy thriving
RT @Above96th
I did see Flaco on my morning walk in Central Park. He was looking as content and as round as I can remember!🥰🥰🥰#birdcpp #Flaco
Should #Flaco remain at liberty in #NYC's #CentralPark? While he's killing rats in #Gotham, there is a risk he may succumb to a rodent who has ingested rat poison
#flaco #nyc #centralpark #gotham #wildlife #bird #owl
RT @flaco_theowl
“The only way to deal with an unfree world is to become so absolutely free that your very existence is an act of rebellion.” — Albert Camus
#birdcp #birdcpp #birdphotography #birding #BirdsOfTwitter #birdsofprey #BirdsSeenIn2023 #flaco #flacotheowl #centralpark
📸: @cherylwk1
#birdcp #birdcpp #birdphotography #birding #birdsoftwitter #birdsofprey #birdsseenin2023 #flaco #flacotheowl #centralpark
🔁JacquelineUWS :
Flaco hooted for a solid hour after flying out tonight.💕🦉
@clive Manhattan Bird Alert and that Birding Bob guy are horrible.
#birding #Birds #eurasianeagleowl #centralpark #flaco
‘Despite a lifetime in captivity, the owl had somehow “remained wild inside.”’ https://www.nytimes.com/2023/03/03/nyregion/flaco-owl-central-park-nyc.html?unlocked_article_code=e4C6t1ORbjp2d2hl1rUTeJi7pd-s6UvvJoX-Gdf36l55uJbOnrLx7LoASyM6nN8ZOy66Oa9R5ikPzT2dtPp1DgfdIeqvOji4jU8qKRU1IbnLZbQHMUuk7wpQBIT32vr5BxDLMiPUJTmGok_00dK6Vjh16Qhw9XVOkfbsRwahlYVrhjzT5pRWQcAkUtE73Tdv1qnFfqA9fdsiePkNXMrhFBxK-zzx-NYCxBaeyH3gG1zowuOW-z1zx2_swd_Rc2J3empsWGpwkLS5J6fMEaFsewIRs4ZcPYyaA0Euc0rTNazxpAl4g6NRpGyDv9HE-mxU3O-k4MiLJ8urDE27SjtoHspz43k6UQ&smid=url-share
Reading this wonderful story about #Flaco the Eurasian eagle-owl who was born and raised in captivity and who’s escaped his small enclosure in Central Park Zoo in Manhattan and spreading his six-foot wingspan in Central Park, and to hell with it.
I’ll share my most controversial opinion.
Animals belong living free and in the wild, to quote the Kratt brothers. Not in zoos, and certainly not in microscopic enclosures like in Central Park Zoo.
This bird isn’t rare in having remained wild inside. Many, perhaps most animals we hold in captivity are likely wild inside. For this reason I’ve never supported zoos, nor aquariums holding dolphins, etc.
🔁Vee Nabong :
Flaco, the Eurasian Eagle-Owl this evening at the North Woods in Central Park. High up in a tree and watched from the West Drive by many elated Flaco admirers and birders. #birdcpp #Flaco #celebritybird #owl #NaturePhotography #birdsofprey #wildlife
#birdcpp #flaco #celebritybird #owl #naturephotography #birdsofprey #wildlife
Et la chouette repris sa liberté, fascinant les passants. #Flaco
Everybody seems to be obsessed with #flaco, the owl that escaped the cage. You would think that, with so much horror going on in the world, that is absurd. And yet, we all feel the guilt of having destroyed practically everything alive (or being inexorably in that path), perhaps #flaco is our conscience, flying around trying to find respite.
The Hotel Pennsylvania no longer stands
Perhaps the memories linger in the land
36 hours in Rio, its beauty to explore
Flaco the owl is now a household name for sure
For one more weekender, for us to explore
Memories, beauty and Flaco, never getting bored
#hotelpennsylvania #riodejaneiro #flaco #weekender #poetry
#hotelpennsylvania #riodejaneiro #flaco #weekender #poetry