We are extremely delighted to invite you to the 175th year Foundation day ceremony of @iitroorkee on November 25, 2022 (1847-2022) to witness the journey of imparting technical education and contribution in the development of the society. May this journey of success and learning continue for many more centuries to come, We Look forward to your gracious presence.
#iitroorkee #foundationday #175yearcelebrations #flaghoisting #kavisammelan #droneshow #iitr175yearjourney #commemorativecoin
#IITRoorkee #FoundationDay #175yearcelebrations #flaghoisting #kavisammelan #droneshow #iitr175yearjourney #commemorativecoin
75 ஆம் சுதந்திர தினத்தை முன்னிட்டு செங்கோட்டையில் தேசியக் கொடி ஏற்றிய பிரதமர் மோடி
https://patrikai.com/for-75th-independence-day-pm-modi-hoisted-national-flag-in-red-fort/ via @patrikaidotcom@twitter.com
#IndependenceDayIndia #IndependenceDay2021 #RedFort #FlagHoisting #NarendraModi @PMOIndia@twitter.com @BJP4India@twitter.com @BJP4TamilNadu@twitter.com
#narendramodi #flaghoisting #RedFort #IndependenceDay2021 #independencedayindia
கொடிக்கம்பத்தில் தேசியக் கொடி ஏன் ஏற்றவில்லை - அதிகாரிகள் விளக்கம்
https://www.patrikai.com/kanchipuram-railway-administration-did-not-hoist-the-national-flag-on-the-railway-station-flagpole/ #kanchipuram #railway #FlagHoisting #NationalFlag #railwaystation #flagpole
#flagpole #railwaystation #nationalflag #flaghoisting #railway #Kanchipuram
RT @anujajTOI@twitter.activitypub.actor
#UP: Scores of Students in #AMU boycotted the official Republic Day function organised by varsity administration & chose to celebrate the day at #Bab-e-Syed gate with a #flaghoisting ceremony. @timesofindia@twitter.com @parasnsingh95@twitter.com @shady2k8@twitter.com