✍️ New post introducing my new #Flake8 plugin that checks your usage of #Python’s logging module.
@warrickball @pyodide I use pyodide to run a whole bunch of things. For example:
IDE for drawing #svg images with #python:
#Flake8 with plugins:
@python_discussions That's not true. You need to specify `__all__` in `__init__.py` (and other facades) so that #mypy, #flake8, and #ruff know that these packages are imported to be exported. Then flake8 and ruff won't report unused import and mypy will allow reexports from the module.
📢 Announcing v3.0.0 of our #github reusable #workflows
#github #black #flake8 #pylint #mypy #python2 #python #nox #tox #precommit
#github #workflows #black #flake8 #pylint #mypy #python2 #python #nox #tox #precommit
@markwalker it found things not picked up by Flake8 earlier today
#ruff #flake8 #linting #python
Hmmm why can I not get #flake8 to work in my #neovim config yet it will work on the command line ?
I have in my ~/.config the file flake8 and it's config to ignore F401
Strange as it used to work with neovim using an init.vim now I'm on lua nothing. I used to be able to comment end of lines with # noqa: F401
Config here if it helps ??
Had no idea about the #pytest warns() context manager until this bug was opened in #flake8-aaa https://github.com/jamescooke/flake8-aaa/issues/196 Reading the docs, it seems there are quite a few Pytest context managers that Flake8-AAA needs to support that I’ve completely overlooked. 😬
Twitter 「VSCodeにPython開発環境を作る方法」の
#Python #venv #autopep8 #flake8
#vscode #エンジニアと繋がりたい #駆け出しエンジニアと繋がりたい #flake8 #autopep8 #venv #python
That's strange, my pre-commit hooks are working locally but failing on GitLab CI... let's search that error code.
That's strange, my pre-commit hooks are working locally but failing on GitLab CI... let's search that error code.
If your #GitHub #flake8 linting actions suddenly started failing, it's likely due to flake8 moving to GH. It's an easy fix once you know how:
@pamelafox @brettcannon @charliermarsh I want use it for sue. 👍
I saw that already other developers I trust have moved from #flake8 to #ruff, for example @tiangolo with #fastapi and @samuelcolvin with #pydantic ✅
#flake8 #ruff #fastapi #pydantic
PyLint ist gut aber relativ langsam. Deshalb werden wir demnächst folgendes testen:
#PyLint Alternative #coala mit #flake8-bugbear