Voilà là un outil à connaître pour aider à l'optimisation de code (analyse des retours d'outils system profilers comme perf_events sous #Linux).
L'auteur, Brandon GREGG, est un des analystes chez NetFlix.
Brendan Gregg does some great talks. Just watched this one on #eBFP and #flamegraphs: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HKQR7wVapgk
Could understand about half but very interesting nonetheless
The example bt(5)/btrace(8) scripts are now installed in #OpenBSD -current (missed with 7.1):
• kprofile .bt (save kernel stackframes & produce flamegraphs)
• runqlat .bt (measure the latency of the scheduler runqueues).
You can generate #flamegraphs with Brendan Gregg's FlameGraph script. :flan_thumbs: