Wired: The End of Burning Man Is Also Its Future https://www.wired.com/story/the-end-of-burning-man-is-also-its-future/ #Tech #wired #TechNews #IT #Technology via @morganeogerbc #Culture/CultureNews #climatechange #environment #Culture #climate #flameon #Cities
#Tech #wired #technews #it #technology #Culture #climatechange #environment #Climate #flameon #cities
The End of Burning Man Is Also Its Future - Unpredictable and extreme weather is eating Burning Man alive. Now organizers and attende... - https://www.wired.com/story/the-end-of-burning-man-is-also-its-future/ #culture/culturenews #culture #flameon
Wired: The End of Burning Man Is Also Its Future https://www.wired.com/story/the-end-of-burning-man-is-also-its-future/ #Culture/CultureNews #climatechange #environment #Culture #climate #flameon #Cities
#culture #climatechange #environment #climate #flameon #cities
@melissabeartrix Spit-roast, long pig style, basted with the most expensive cognac available. #FlameOn
Daily Sketch Challenge 28/06/23: The Human Torch.
#dailysketchchallenge #the_human_torch #human_torch #johnny_storm #thehumantorch #humantorch #johnnystorm #fantasticfour #fantastic_four #the_fantastic_four #thefantasticfour #flameon #flame_on
#dailysketchchallenge #the_human_torch #human_torch #johnny_storm #thehumantorch #humantorch #johnnystorm #fantasticfour #fantastic_four #the_fantastic_four #thefantasticfour #flameon #flame_on
Daily sketch challenge 05/04/23: The Super-Skrull. Gotta love those Jack Kirby characters.
#dailysketchchallenge #fantasticfour #marvel #skrull #superskrull #klrt #flameon #clobberintime
#dailysketchchallenge #fantasticfour #Marvel #skrull #superskrull #klrt #flameon #clobberintime
I wish someone with deep pockets would go ahead and pay the Open Group $100k to get #FreeBSD UNIX-certified. (And the other BSDs, too)
It's really stupid that only weirdly-contorted commercial Unixes have it.
And no. Not Linux. Sorry. I deeply love #Linux, but it's less Unix-like every day. Linux is slowly turning into what you'd get in an alternate universe if Microsoft bought a Unix license from AT&T and slowly developed their own OS on top of it.
#FlameOn ;)
To all restaurant staff: PLEASE #washyourhands
I can tell when you haven't whenever I accept that greasy, nasty beverage cup/glass from you.
#flameon #washyourhands #flameoff
San Jose is flooding.
This is the real bright town that sank because it overpumped its water suppply. Then it inundated another town (Lexington) to get its lost acre-feet of water back!
Geez. City leaders should just torch the place+turn it back into farmland!
(Am I too harsh?)
servus mastodon, hallo darmstadt! #flameon #illustrationoftheday #illustration #art
#art #illustration #illustrationoftheday #flameon