Looking forward to the post-strike movies about Reese’s Peanut Butter Cups, Mountain Dew, Star Wars action figures, and Atari. #Air #Barbie #Flaminghot
Alright. Unless I'm forgetting something, I think this was the last pride comic I made. Just trying to get them all posted before the end of June.
Happy pride y'all 👍
#jollybiscuit #pride #pridemonth #lgbt #lgbtq #lgbtpride #gayses #gay #queer #hot #redhot #flaminghot #evilscientist #madscientist #villain #heroes #metrosexual #fabulous #humor #funny #comic #comics #webcomic #webcomics #comicstrip
#jollybiscuit #pride #pridemonth #lgbt #lgbtq #lgbtpride #gayses #gay #queer #hot #redhot #flaminghot #evilscientist #madscientist #villain #heroes #metrosexual #Fabulous #humor #funny #comic #comics #webcomic #webcomics #comicstrip
Highly recommend “Flaming Hot” movie on Disney Channel. Great story. #flaminghot
There’s a 4th movie this year about the birth of a product! #flaminghot is a fun, feel good movie. Definitely up there with #tetris , #air , and #blackberry .
#blackberry #air #tetris #flaminghot
REMINDER! #FlamingHot is now streaming on Hulu!
Part of me is watching as a proud Latina adult cheering on our dreams, culture, and successes!
Part of me is watching as the little Latina girl who ran around with silver teeth & red fingers. Here's to us, mija! https://t.co/HCsY9Misle
There should be a law on the #Fediverse that anyone posting a #PayWall’ed article without a paywall defeated link should have all their Monster Munch taken away for an entire year.
#MonsterMunch #RulesBasedEconomy #PickledOnion #RoastBeef #FlamingHot
#fediverse #paywall #monstermunch #rulesbasedeconomy #pickledonion #roastbeef #flaminghot