The #Guardian obit for #RobbieRobertson makes a good point. When Robertson penned #TheWeight, his writing influences were #BobDylan meets #Faulkner, #EudoraWelty & #FlanneryOConnor.
#guardian #robbierobertson #theweight #faulkner #eudorawelty #flanneryoconnor #bobdylan
'You shall know the truth and the truth shall make you odd.'
I'm one day late, but I had to post a birthday post for one of my favourite authors, Flannery O'Connor.
Born in Savannah, Georgia, on 25 March 1925, she created a body of literature marked by 'Christian realism': bold, disturbing, grotesque... But also graceful and redeeming.
#flanneryoconnor #southerngothic #americanliterature
“The world was made for the dead. Think of all the dead there are... There's a million times more dead than living and the dead are dead a million times longer than the living are alive...”
~ Flannery O’Connor, The Violent Bear It Away
#flanneryoconnor #southerngothic
Some photos from my recent trip to the #FlanneryOConnor Childhood Home in #Savannah. The aging moss-covered dogwood in the first pic is the only surviving plant in the courtyard that was actually alive during Flannery O’Connor‘s childhood. The cathedral spire is a view from the upstairs bedroom window. As a young girl, Flannery literally grew up in the shadow of the Catholic church.
#SouthernGothic #Writer
#flanneryoconnor #savannah #southerngothic #writer
Celebrate my upcoming birthday (January 18th) with a donation to this museum and foundation that is near and dear to my heart, the Flannery O'Connor Childhood Home in #Savannah. #FlanneryOConnor is the patron saint of #SouthernGothic #writers, and she is a major influence and inspiration for me and many of my #writer friends.
#savannah #flanneryoconnor #southerngothic #writers #writer
Celebrate my upcoming birthday (January 18th) with a donation to this foundation that is near and dear to my heart, the Flannery O'Connor Childhood Home in #Savannah. #FlanneryOConnor is the patron saint of #SouthernGothic writers, and she is a major influence and inspiration for me and many of my #writer friends.
#savannah #flanneryoconnor #southerngothic #writer
Celebrate my upcoming birthday (January 18th) with a donation to this museum and foundation that is near and dear to my heart, the Flannery O'Connor Childhood Home in Savannah. #FlanneryOConnor is the patron saint of #SouthernGothic #writers.
#flanneryoconnor #southerngothic #writers
Wanted to do a proper #introduction so...
I'm a #teacher (high school English) and #writer currently working on a book on #hemingway
I also love #JackKerouac #WalkerPercy #FlanneryOConnor #MarilynneRobinson #WaltWhitman just to name a few favs
I'm a #music obsessive and #vinyl collector (perform as a #DJ too)
#springsteen is my favorite musician, but I also love #bobdylan and #gratefuldead (I'm becoming a proper #deadhead), #U2 #Wilco #GBV #NeilYoung #TheReplacements and on and on...
#introduction #teacher #writer #hemingway #jackkerouac #walkerpercy #flanneryoconnor #marilynnerobinson #waltwhitman #music #vinyl #dj #springsteen #bobdylan #gratefuldead #deadhead #u2 #wilco #gbv #neilyoung #thereplacements
Me he dado una vuelta por algunas páginas y he investigado un poquito para traeros esta curiosidad. Hay muchos más autores, está claro, pero he hecho una breve selección para que veáis que no todos tienen la misma rutina ni el mismo horario a la hora de escribir. Algunos de estos escritores tienen también ciertos rituales asociados a la hora de escribir, pero creo que eso será para otro post. Algunos escriben de noche y otros se levantan bien temprano para hacerlo. Hay quienes escriben por unas pocas horas y otros que pasan largas jornadas dándole a la tecla. Mi rutina suele ser más bien de mañana y mientras hago algunas tareas cotidianas, pero también, si puedo, le robo algunas horas a la tarde. Y tú, ¿cuándo escribes?
#rutinas #rutinasescritores #honoredebalzac #simonedebeauvoir #mayaangelou #harukimurakami #kurtvonnegut #annbeattie #flanneryoconnor #franzkafka #victormorata #victormorataescritor #victormoratawriter #rutinasdetrabajo #bookstagram #escritoresdeinstagram #horasdeescritura #escribirficcion #escrituracreativa #siervosdelaguadaña #ficciopatas #ytucuandoescribes #cuandoescribenlosescritores #novelas #curiosidadesliterarias
#rutinas #rutinasescritores #honoredebalzac #simonedebeauvoir #mayaangelou #harukimurakami #kurtvonnegut #annbeattie #flanneryoconnor #franzkafka #victormorata #victormorataescritor #victormoratawriter #rutinasdetrabajo #bookstagram #escritoresdeinstagram #horasdeescritura #escribirficcion #escrituracreativa #siervosdelaguadana #ficciopatas #ytucuandoescribes #cuandoescribenlosescritores #novelas #curiosidadesliterarias
If you do the same thing every day at the same time for the same length of time, you'll save yourself from many a sink. Routine is a condition of survival." — Flannery O'Connor — — — #FlanneryOConnor #quote #quotes #routine #survival #ease
#flanneryoconnor #quote #quotes #routine #survival #ease
And more
#7BooksToKnowMe #7Books
#Harry Crews
#reading #books #fourandtwentyblackbirds #cheriepriest #nocountryforoldmen #cormacmccarthy #thegospelsinger #Harry #clockwithouthands #CarsonMcCullers #themoviegoer #walkerpercy #theviolentbearitaway #flanneryoconnor #lightinaugust #williamfaulkner #nightwood #djunabarnes #7books #7bookstoknowme
Recommended reading for weaving darker elements in narrative:
- Ernest Hemingway (short stories)
- Edgar Allen Poe (stories and poetry)
- Flannery O'Connor (short stories)
- Haruki Murakami (novels)
- Ernest Hemingway (novels)
Yes, #ernesthemingway deserves to be there twice. #flanneryoconnor is a hidden gem with dark elements hidden under irony and wit. #harukimurakami can be downright brutal in earlier books, but engaging, provocative, and powerful
#ernesthemingway #flanneryoconnor #harukimurakami