Crypto Firm Flashbots Raises $60M in Paradigm-Led Round - The new capital will help develop the SUAVE decentralized platform for maximal extractabl... - #fundingrounds #flashbots #paradigm #finance #news #mev
#MEV #news #finance #paradigm #flashbots #fundingrounds
Flashbots Confirms Top Strategy Researcher Obadia to Depart Amid ‘Strategic’ Hiring Push - Obadia cited personal reasons for his departure but warned of "serious challenges" for Fl... - #technology #flashbots #fundraise #hiring #news #mev
#MEV #news #hiring #fundraise #flashbots #technology
Ethereum validator cashes in 689 ETH from MEV-Boost relay - The 689 Ether, worth nearly $1.3 million, is the largest reward r... - #proposer-builderseparation #minerextractablevalue #martinköppelmann #mev-boostrelay #sandwichattack #beaconchain #flashbots #lido
#lido #flashbots #beaconchain #sandwichattack #MEV #martinköppelmann #minerextractablevalue #proposer
Flashbots Makes Privacy-Enhanced Block Builder Open Source on Ethereum Testnet Sepolia - Research shared by the team details that block builders will be able to build blocks with... - #blockproducers #technology #flashbots #exclusive #ethereum #privacy #news
#news #privacy #ethereum #exclusive #flashbots #technology #blockproducers
Fewer Than Half of New Ethereum Blocks Over the Past 24 Hours Are OFAC Compliant - For the first time since October, fewer than 50% of blocks added to the Ethereum blockcha... - #tornadocash #technology #censorship #validators #flashbots #ethereum #news #ofac #mev
#MEV #ofac #news #ethereum #flashbots #validators #censorship #technology #tornadocash