"Not to Speak of Housetraining": https://gdeyke.wordpress.com/2023/07/12/not-to-speak-of-housetraining/
This one is a bit silly.
#FlashFictionMonth #FlashFiction #FlashFic #story #pets #SolarSystem #humour #CosmicHorror
#flashfictionmonth #flashfiction #flashfic #story #pets #solarsystem #humour #cosmichorror
I guess if I'm doing the whole month I'm doing it out of order, but if I'm just doing challenges I'm still pretty much on track. Today's story is a #Western, which means of course that it is mostly about horsies.
"Sometimes": https://wp.me/p7n6Qk-eY
#western #flashfictionmonth #flashfiction #flashfic #story #horse
I said I wouldn't be participating, but I'm already at least one story in. We'll see how far this goes!
(Slight warning for animal death, not graphic; and in the bit below the story itself where I got to rambling a bit, warnings for abstracted discussion of food insecurity.)
#flashfictionmonth #flashfiction #flashfic #story
#FlashFictionMonth is on! I doubt I'll be participating this year, but it's been a great event for me in years past. This year it's being hosted on WordPress with no accounts or signup process required, so there's a lower barrier of entry for anyone who wants to participate. Here's Day 1's challenge post: https://flashficmonth.wordpress.com/2023/06/30/ffm-links-1-july-2023/
#flashfictionmonth #flashfic #flashfiction #writing #event
This flash fiction piece by @ddgwriter is so heartbreaking and lovely and plays with the future tense in wonderful ways:
#FlashFiction #FlashFic #FlashFictionFriday #Writing #Writer #AmWriting #Writers #ShortStory #AmReading
#amreading #shortstory #writers #amwriting #writer #writing #FlashFictionFriday #flashfic #flashfiction
I've been very quiet on here lately because it's been an odd week (big renos at my flat so I've been out and about a ton) BUT I have news!
And by news I mean new #flashfiction: http://www.emmalindhagen.com/2023/05/flash-fiction-friday-by-fire/
"By Fire" is a little dystopian fantasy (maybe?) piece based on a prompt from my #AdventPrompt set ^^
I also have a new game out: https://emmalindhagen.itch.io/cat-map
"Cat Map" is a wee thing I made for a #gamejame where you make a #TTRPG map using the #boardgame Calico
#flashfiction #adventprompt #gamejame #ttrpg #boardgame #flashfic #writing #gamedesign
As she stepped outside, the tension in her limbs dispersed, and the potent perfume of new earth penetrated her nostrils. The loam wept dewy trails of moisture, softening the ground underfoot. Each day lengthened imperceptibly until the transition was complete, the edges smoothed and viable. The road no longer disappeared into denseness and instead opened and widened out in front of her.
—“In Velvet” by #JennyDunbar, published in #CapsuleStories Winter 2022 Edition: Hibernation #flash #flashfic
#jennydunbar #capsulestories #flash #flashfic
The hunter backs away. “Uh. Um.” He keeps backing away until he turns around. He’s gone.
“My head really hurts,” says the vampire. “I don’t think I can do this.”
“God dammit!” says the girl.
#AmWriting #AmWritingSFF #AmWritingFantasy #AmWritingSF #AmWritingSciFi #AmWritingScienceFiction #AmWritingSpaceOpera #WritingCommunity #Writerdons #Writing #SFF #Fantasy #SF #SciFi #ScienceFiction #SpaceOpera #Vampires #FlashFiction #FlashFic
#flashfic #flashfiction #vampires #spaceopera #sciencefiction #scifi #sf #fantasy #sff #writing #writerdons #writingcommunity #amwritingspaceopera #amwritingsciencefiction #amwritingscifi #amwritingsf #amwritingfantasy #AmWritingSFF #amwriting
Each time she had glanced at her jacket in the back of her closet between a yellow shirt and a tweed gilet, she had a nagging feeling of regret, an uncomfortable idea of herself, a too hot season, lack of intention. Now she gently released the garment from its dark niche, felt its unexpected warmth as she slipped into its arms. This season’s rhythm haunted her with a new urgency; she sought solace, away from the acid chime of winter.
#flash #flashfic #capsulestories #jennydunbar
She looked out at the frozen road, a blackest brown loam. Dark as the velvet jacket waiting in her closet all these years, a bespoke vintage item bought from a Soho tailor. Those times had passed, the bad memories of loss and deceit banished. This season, she would celebrate the dark, indulge in its solitude, wrapped in the musky layers of the years through which she had hesitated, or resisted an urge, to be embraced.
#flash #flashfic #capsulestories #writing
I wish it could all stay like this. That dawn would never fade to day, that snow would never melt to spring. But my heart also longs for the warm, lush air that sinks into my skin, for the blue skies and summer sunlight. Every snowflake, every frost-painted surface is artwork, but so are the scarlet leaves of autumn, the bright petals of May. The world splits into many worlds, fractals of warmth and cold and day and night, and I can’t decide which one I love most.
speaking of #ShortFiction, have y'all seen the #Kickstarter for this new #FlashFiction #magazine:
I know both Cislyn & Stephen and they are both GREAT -- huge #FlashFic readers, care about the #SFFCommunity, hyper competent
Would be fabulous to have another good #flash market, esp without DSF now...
#SFF #sf #fantasy #scifi #SpecFic #SpeculativeFiction #ShortFiction #ShortStories #WritingCommunity cc: @sffshorts
#shortfiction #kickstarter #flashfiction #magazine #flashfic #sffcommunity #flash #sff #sf #fantasy #scifi #specfic #speculativefiction #shortstories #writingcommunity
Reusable Resource - Flash Fic - Sci-fi - horror - Ida pays the consequences for her curious mind.
#writingcommunity #amwriting #writerslife #flashfiction #flashfic #flash #scifi #horror #short #story #writercommunity
#writingcommunity #amwriting #writerslife #flashfiction #flashfic #flash #SciFi #horror #short #story #writercommunity
My salt-crusted cheek rubs against the coarse wood of the raft that's been my rescue after the encounter, I try to raise my head, my hand, try to shout at the ship in the distance, but only a dry-heaving croak escapes me while hope sails away towards the horizon and I am left adrift.
#sff #sffh #vss #flashfic #amwriting
The stories are flowing, read the first one "Return of Spirit" on World Anvil.
Follow me on World Anvil to get alerts when each is finished!
This effort is part of the Storytelling Collective's Flash Fiction February challenge.
#flashfiction #fantasy #anhult #StoCo #flashfic #flashficfeb
#flashfiction #fantasy #anhult #stoco #flashfic #flashficfeb
Thanks to Commuterlit for publishing this short story of mine.
#shortstory #shortstories #flashfiction #flash #flashfic #writersofmastodon #writers #writerslife #writerscommunity #comedy #funny #funnyfiction #humour #humor
#shortstory #shortstories #flashfiction #flash #flashfic #writersofmastodon #writers #writerslife #writerscommunity #comedy #funny #funnyfiction #humour #humor
Thanks to @FinallyFinnian for leading such a brilliant "Queering the Flash" workshop, and to @sagetyrtle and her always-inspiring Crow Collective for hosting it.
Such a pleasure to create alongside these fine humans. 💜🖊️
#writingcommunity #lgbtq #flashfic
I posted a #Flashfic on my website! Whoot!
Treasure in the Hills:
The hinterlands have their own rules, and strangers break them at their own peril.