#WDEFWeather: Numerous #FlashFloodWarnings across northern Georgia early Tuesday morning for counties in the #WDEFNews12 viewing area. Remember: turn around don't drown, never drive across water-covered roadways.
#wdefweather #flashfloodwarnings #wdefnews12
Some important BOT accounts to follow to know what's going on weather-wise in the #USA. Created and hosted by @ai6yr
This bot automatically posts #FlashFloodWarnings from the #US National Weather Service, from the #NWS CAP alerts. NOT OFFICIAL.
#EAS warning bot *EXPERIMENTAL* EXPERIMENTAL*EXPERIMENTAL* do not use for official advice.
This is an automated account which toots out #SevereThunderstorm Warnings and maps based on National Weather Service CAP alerts. NOT OFFICIAL. #SevereStorms
This is an automated bot which toots out National Weather Service CAP alerts for #tornadoes. Experimental, and NOT OFFICIAL. DO NOT RELY ON FOR LIFE SAFETY!
This is an automated bot which toots out new #wildfires reported by #WatchDuty (app.watchduty.org). Not run by WatchDuty.
#usa #flashfloodwarnings #us #NWS #eas #severethunderstorm #severestorms #tornadoes #wildfires #watchduty #SevereWeather #weatheralerts
.@montecitofire says the 👆site is indeed down. Pointing folks to Facebook or Twitter to keep up with fast-shifting risk landscape as #flashfloodwarnings came simultaneously with evacuation orders. This Santa Barbara briefing is a vital update: https://youtu.be/8ukASceStC4?t=830