#FlashFreeze in #TheSoo; city roads becoming icy as temperatures quickly drop. #ONStorm
@Girlonavespa Yes, it is wild right now in #Vermont! Power off all over, and I dodged lots of detritus, driving from Westford to Stowe, where my in-laws have a generator going. Temps going down now. #flashfreeze #staysafe
#vermont #flashfreeze #staysafe
The numbers have gone back up and now over 305,500 Hydro Quebec customers are without power. It has rained hard in Montreal after the sun had come out for about half an hour. Now we wait for it all to freeze. 🥶 🧊
#WinterStorm #Weather #Ice #Montreal #Quebec #Canada #snowstorm #FlashFreeze #Verglas #TempêteDeNeige #Neige #Power #Outages
#winterstorm #weather #ice #montreal #quebec #Canada #snowstorm #flashfreeze #verglas #tempetedeneige #neige #power #outages
And here comes the #flashfreeze. It's dropped from 40° to 32° in about the last half hour. Rain has abruptly turned to snow. Town trucks have been pre-salting since ~11 AM. You can see the cold pushing the warm to the east as it approaches Utica. #CentralNewYork #weather
#flashfreeze #centralnewyork #weather
Why do I feel like the weather has taken plot tips from "The Day After Tomorrow"?
Hoping everyone in its path stays safe. #BombCyclone #ArticWeather #DangerousWeather #FlashFreeze
#bombcyclone #articweather #dangerousweather #flashfreeze
The temp has dropped 10 degrees in one hour 😳
Tomorrow the weather is going to turn really crazy! It's going to go from high 50s to the teens in a span of maybe 1.5-3 hours. Stuff is going to #flashfreeze. #climatechange is happening. No doubt about it.
SHOCKING TRUTH: We've been talking about the cold, wind, snow, and #flashfreeze for days. But there's something else coming. A LOT of static electricity.
The air will turn very dry Thursday night thru #Christmas in central Indiana.
Plan on getting a zap from light switches and other metal things the next couple of days.
My weather forecast includes the phrase "flash freezing." I purposely live in the south to not have to know what that means. Today the high is supposed to be 50F and the low overnight is supposed to drop to 5F with -17F windchill. I'm just glad I'm not farther north. This has made me wonder how people with farm animals keep them warm in extreme temperatures. #WinterStorm #Yuck #FlashFreeze
#winterstorm #yuck #flashfreeze
Well, ya'll wanted to know what it'd be like to live on Mars. Ya'll about the find out. #flashfreeze #wind
Ah, the shortest day of the year, or as I prefer to think of it, the end of the dark and the onset of light. I've always loved #wintersolstice. It feels like the world turns a corner today. Of course, we're expecting a polar vortex with a #flashfreeze on Friday. #canadianweatherchat #askmeaboutmywintergear
#wintersolstice #flashfreeze #canadianweatherchat #askmeaboutmywintergear