Crypto Thefts in 2023: Nearly $1 Billion Lost to Scams and Exploits, Reports Certik - According to cybersecurity firm Certik, nearly $1 billion in cryptocurrency has be... - #smartcontractauditing #misappropriation #digitalsecurity #exactlyprotocol #cryptocurrency #zunamiprotocol #cybersecurity #flashloans #exitscams #pepetoken #exploits #rugpulls #certik #heists #losses #scams #news
#news #scams #losses #heists #certik #rugpulls #exploits #pepetoken #exitscams #flashloans #cybersecurity #zunamiprotocol #cryptocurrency #exactlyprotocol #digitalsecurity #misappropriation #smartcontractauditing
Arcadia Finance hacker used reentrancy exploit, team demands return of funds - In a post-mortem report, Arcadia Finance developers said an attac... - #arcadiafinance #reentrancy #flashloans #exploit #hack
#hack #exploit #flashloans #reentrancy #arcadiafinance
Someone Flash Loaned $200M From MakerDAO to Make $3 Profit - An arbitrage bot flash loaned $200 million worth of the dai stablecoin from MakerDAO on W... - #on-chaindata #flashloans #makerdao #markets #news #dai
#dai #news #markets #makerdao #flashloans #on
Bug in Aave V2 Polygon causes some assets to become stuck in contracts - The bug only affects the Polygon implementation, and V3 is unaffe... - #flashloans #aavebug #polygon #aavedao #aave #bug
#bug #aave #aavedao #polygon #aavebug #flashloans
Authorities in France Arrest Duo Involved in Platypus Exploit - Flash loan exploit drained protocol of over $9 million in assets and knocked Platypus USD... - #flash-loan-attack #flashloans #stablecoin #finance #france #news #defi
#defi #news #france #finance #stablecoin #flashloans #flash