Ég steingleymdi að deila þessum Flash Man í gær. Ég reyndi fyrir mér með penna með meiri áferð og hraðari vinnubrögðum. #FlashMan #MegaMan #MegaMonday #Megamanudagur
#flashman #megaman #megamonday #megamanudagur
It was at the moment when these girls were shrunk, put in a capsule, and swallowed by a fish (they're pictured here in the fish's belly), that I realized my disbelief had been adequately suspended and I was not just enjoying the silliness but in fact going along for the ride. #Tokusatsu #Flashman
Look at this robot! I can't stop chuckling at it. So blocky and steadfast. The monster has literally no chance. #Tokusatsu #Flashman
Can't quite believe the fun I'm having watching Supernova Flashman (1986). Taking more screenshots than I know what to do with. And unexpectedly, I'm kind of getting into the story! #Tokusatsu #internetarchive #Flashman
#flashman #InternetArchive #tokusatsu
The 10th team!
This team is famous for being the first to use a second giant robot, the Titan Boy.
#tokusatsu #supersentai #flashman
Perhaps try these:
#PhilipReeve - young adult target audience. The #MortalEngines series are place to start.
#GeorgeMacDonaldFraser - the #Flashman books are magnificent historical fiction, though are very politically incorrect.
#CSForester - the #Hornblower books are probably the most enjoyable set of books I've read.
#AdrianTchaikovsky - a prolific writer and the best contemporary #scifi I've read after #iainmbanks. "Children of Time" is a good start
#philipreeve #mortalengines #GeorgeMacDonaldFraser #flashman #csforester #hornblower #adriantchaikovsky #SciFi #iainmbanks