I converted the live photo of the Rose, at night, photo into a video file, slowed it down to 1./10th speed and trimmed it. This shows the flash and the photo going dark before it comes up with the view that it used. This seems cool to see what the iPhone 8 is doing while it attempts to create this image. #rose #roseatnight #flashphoto #iphone8 #jonlh #jonathanlhall
#rose #roseatnight #flashphoto #iphone8 #jonlh #jonathanlhall
In beeld: Testritten met de metro naar Hoek van Holland strand
=> http://www.mp-produktie.nl/2023-03-14_Testritten_met_de_metro_naar_Hoek_van_Holland_strand.html
Tags: #Hoekselijn #RET #HoekVanHolland #Metro #OVnieuws #OpenbaarVervoer #Flashphoto
#flashphoto #openbaarvervoer #ovnieuws #metro #HoekvanHolland #ret #hoekselijn
Snowfalling over Ramberget and Karlatorn. The last year, I've been documenting the construction of Karlatorn from my livingroom window. Yesterday it snowed in Gothenburg - perhaps the last snow of the winter - so it seemed a good moment to take out the camera. This photo is a double exposure: a flash photo of the snow falling and, a moment after, a photo of the same scene taken without flash.
#flash #flashphotography #flashphoto #karlatornet #gothenburg #göteborg #snow #snowfalling
#flash #flashphotography #flashphoto #karlatornet #gothenburg #goteborg #snow #snowfalling
Just a few feet away from the register...
#nudity #nude #lewd #ass #butt #hairyass #AtWorkPictures #atwork #OnTheClock #publicnudity #publicnsfw #nsfw #nudes #bareass #assout #redeyes #flashphotography #flashphoto #closet #worknudes #worknude #hairybutt #hairy #ftm #ftm #ftmnudes #ftmnsfw #onlyfansmodel #onlyfansbabe #onlyfanscreator #onlyfansnudes
#nudity #nude #lewd #ass #butt #hairyass #atworkpictures #atwork #OnTheClock #publicnudity #publicnsfw #nsfw #nudes #bareass #assout #redeyes #flashphotography #flashphoto #closet #worknudes #worknude #hairybutt #hairy #ftm #ftmnudes #ftmnsfw #onlyfansmodel #onlyfansbabe #onlyfanscreator #onlyfansnudes
Auto klem tussen paal en tram in Rotterdam
=> http://www.mp-produktie.nl/2023-02-11_Auto_klem_tussen_paal_en_tram_in_Rotterdam.html
Tags: #Rotterdam #RET #Ongeval #Ongeluk #Tram #OVnieuws #OV #OpenbaarVervoer #Flashphoto
#flashphoto #openbaarvervoer #ov #ovnieuws #tram #ongeluk #ongeval #ret #rotterdam