In case you haven't heard the news, Neopets are working with us to restore their huge library of content!
We're mega excited and already making great progress with the restoration 😎.
#flash #flashplayer #neopets #flashemulator
Hans Reichel may have passed away 12 years ago, but thanks to Ruffle Player, his 100% Flash website still works:
I don't know why, but his "Erdmännchen" (meerkats) page still makes me laugh. Click the buttons, hear various Daxophone squeaks as the little meerkat morphs
#FlashPlayer #Ruffle #OldWeb #daxophone #typography #HansReichel #meerkats #erdmännchen
#flashplayer #ruffle #oldweb #daxophone #typography #hansreichel #meerkats #erdmannchen
It's reported that in its heyday, Flash was used on 30% of all websites on the Web.
Imagine if you could use, play and view your old favourite content again.
With Ruffle, you can 😎.
Oh god what happened to his body?
#Games #Gaming #Flash #FlashPlayer #FlashGames #PlazmaBurst #PlazmaBurst2
#plazmaburst2 #plazmaburst #flashgames #flashplayer #flash #gaming #games
Ruffle-Projekt erhält Flash-Player in Rust am Leben
Das Ruffle-Projekt reimplementiert den Flash-Player [...]
Der Beitrag Ruffle-Projekt erhält Flash-Player in Rust am Leben erschien zuerst auf Linux-Magazin. #Flashplayer
i'm sorry, what year is this?
I thought y’all might want to know that #Adobe has just created a #FlashPlayer directory on a fresh Windows VM.
Some people are saying that the main reason to bring #flashplayer back is to give us more excellent #homestarrunner content, and while I would heartily welcome this, the real reason is so that we can convince our friends to watch the original version of this until the ending, promising it's worth it.
He estado instalado características "clásicas" en PC después de ver contenido tratando estos temas.
Tales como protectores de pantalla que traía ediciones anteriores de #Windows como, el de 3D pipe (tuberia), entre otros, juegos también, #Buscaminas, #pinball. Ahora me entero que #Winamp aún vive, a pesar de que no triunfo su Port en los smartphones.
Me hace gracia que para uno de los #ScreenSavers me pidió que instalara el complemento #FlashPlayer de #Adobe. Ahora que estoy instalando #Winamp para mi laptop y me pide que instale #VisualC++ de #Microsoft. Ahí vamos.
#windows #buscaminas #pinball #winamp #screensavers #flashplayer #adobe #visualc #microsoft #retrotech
He estado instalado características "clásicas" en PC después de ver contenido tratando estos temas.
Tales como protectores de pantalla que traía ediciones anteriores de #Windows como, el de 3D pipe (tuberia), entre otros, juegos también, #Buscaminas, #pinball. Ahora me entero que #Winamp aún vive, a pesar de que no triunfo su Port en los smartphones.
Me hace gracia que para uno de los #ScreenSavers me pidió que instalara el complemento #FlashPlayer de #Adobe. Ahora que estoy instalando #Winamp para mi laptop me pide que instale #VisualC++ de #Microsoft.
#windows #buscaminas #pinball #winamp #screensavers #flashplayer #adobe #visualc #microsoft
Ach, TeamViewer ist unter #Windows bei Updates ja fast so widerspenstig wie seinerzeit der #FlashPlayer.
#Google #Chrome 88 released without #FlashPlayer support and FTP link support via @techhelpkb
#Adobe will block #Flash content from running in #FlashPlayer beginning today. Adobe strongly recommends all users immediately uninstall Flash Player to help protect their systems via @techhelpkb
»Deine Updates werden fehlen«
Ein schöner Abgesang auf den #Adobe #Flashplayer
Уже пятое января, а флеш-плеер в браузере продолжает исправно работать. Больше шума разводили... #FlashPlayer
"Page d'informations générales sur la fin de vie d' #Adobe #FlashPlayer" : fin de support au 1er Janvier 2021 ! (this is the end...)
#adobe #flashplayer #securite #support
Adobe Prompts Users to Uninstall Flash Player As EOL Date Looms - Adobe will prompt Flash Player users to uninstall the application before the Dec. 31, 2020 end of ... more: #adobeflashplayer #websecurity #end-of-life #flashplayer #microsoft #mozilla #google #adobe #apple #flaw
#flaw #apple #adobe #google #mozilla #microsoft #flashplayer #end #websecurity #adobeflashplayer
Microsoft Patch Tuesday, May 2020 Edition - Microsoft today issued software updates to plug at least 111 security holes in Windows and Windows-b... more: #latestwarnings #cve-2020-1054 #cve-2020-1117 #cve-2020-1126 #cve-2020-1135 #cve-2020-1143 #adobeacrobat #satnamnarang #timetopatch #adobereader #flashplayer #toddschell #tenable #ivanti
#ivanti #tenable #toddschell #flashplayer #adobereader #timetopatch #satnamnarang #adobeacrobat #cve #latestwarnings