Favourite #BoardGames for 6:
Auction game: #ForSale
Wheelin' & Dealin' game: #ImTheBoss
Co-op game: #FlashPointFireRescue
Back stabbing game: #Lifeboats
Party game: #GameOfThings
Racing game: #FormulaD
Over-produced game: #BigTroubleInLittleChina
Reflex game: #Shrimp
Trivia game: #WitsAndWagers
#boardgames #forsale #imtheboss #flashpointfirerescue #lifeboats #gameofthings #formulad #bigtroubleinlittlechina #shrimp #witsandwagers
@golgaloth For me it has to be #FlashPointFireRescue, one of the first modern boardgames I bought, and it still sees my table several times a year.
@hamatti Fair. I'm particularly un-fond of games that limit communication but aren't specific: "you can hint at what your cards are, but you can't actually name them". That said, we clearly have different tastes, and there are some co-op games I particularly love, like #FlashPointFireRescue and #SentinelsOfTheMultiverse.
#flashpointfirerescue #sentinelsofthemultiverse
@ofdiceandmen I have literally finished a game of #FlashPointFireRescue less than ten minutes ago. :)