#299Ko : La version 1.2.2 du #CMS #PHP #flatfile apporte de grosses modifications sur le gestionnaire de fichiers. La liste des modifications dans la news : https://299ko.ovh/blog/version-1-2-2-filemanager-en-costard-13.html
Je découvre plein de #flatfile #CMS ou équivalent sous le post de @mcpaccard et c’est chouette parce que je cherchais justement quelque chose de simple avec un panneau d’administration.
OKAY FRIENDS. I'm looking for THE SIMPLEST, most straight-forward #flatfile #CMS. No clever template engine, no plugins, just something that allows me to build a simple HTML website with the basics (text, images, links, chronological "blog" posts, maybe a contact form, if even) and allows several users to contribute to website content.
Drop em like they're hot!
Is there such a thing as #flatfile #CMS that doesn't run on a webserver but rather can just sync between users on a cloud desktop sync like #Dropbox or #OneDrive?
I'm trying to put together a simple internal relational database-style site to share with my team without spinning up yet another cloud app to do it.
It would have tags, categories, a couple views of the data, and an input form. I know how to build such a thing in #Wordpress but trying to do it with minimal IT fuss or muss.
#wordpress #onedrive #dropbox #cms #flatfile
La version 1.1 de #299Ko, le #CMS #PHP #flatfile est de sortie, et emmène avec elle un vrai gestionnaire de fichiers afin de simplifier la rédaction de vos contenus. L'article ici : https://299ko.ovh/blog/sortie-de-la-version-1-1-10.html
Content Folder GmbH & Co. KG is my favorite website company.
AKA @getkirby #cms #website #flatfile #webDesign ❤️🙌
#cms #website #flatfile #webdesign
I feel like one of the simple #flatfile-based options would work, but I'm completely unfamiliar with them and how they are managed (for example, I'd prefer to have a share sheet in iOS rather than launching a heavy app for a single photo; I'd rather not have to log into a web UI just to post a one-sentence update.)
Lancement d'un ptit blogounet pour des coupines artistes qui n'ont plus ou moins pas de page ouaeb :
- le Tsaddé théâtre de Phanie Ridel-Livet
#theatre #contemporain
- 7 tableaux de Lucie B
#PeintureÀLHuile (reproductions)
- Frises & Couleurs d'Anne Gée
A moins que ça ne soit juste que pour tester #wondercms, ce joli ptit #cms #flatfile (sans base de donnée) hautement bidouillable 😜
#flatfile #cms #wondercms #graphismes #peinturealhuile #contemporain #theatre
Mon nouveau thème pour #pluxml est disponible. Il s'intitule Synthwave.
Thème synthwave "bit pixel" sur l'univers du jeu vidéo.
Disponible sur pluxthemes.com
#flatfile #cmsflatfile #flatfilecms #pluxmltemplate #templatepluxml #cmspluxml #synth #synhwave
#synhwave #synth #cmspluxml #templatepluxml #pluxmltemplate #flatfilecms #cmsflatfile #flatfile #pluxml
Mon nouveau thème dispo sur PluXthemes.com.
Il s'agit d'un thème féminin piquant, si vous aimez le rose et le pastel foncez !
#popculture #coree #korea #kawaii #cms #flatfile #cmsflatfile #nonbinar #nonbinaire
#nonbinaire #nonbinar #cmsflatfile #flatfile #cms #kawaii #korea #coree #popculture
Mon nouveau thème pour le CMS #PluXml est disponible.
Son nom est Girly Geek Universe, j'ai souhaité rendre hommage à toutes ces femmes et personnes non-binaire fans de jeux vidéo ainsi que de la pop culture. Ce thème est facilement personnalisable. Compatible avec la dernière version de PluXml (5.8.9) sans soucis (et antérieur).
#popculture #coree #korea #kawaii #cms #flatfile #cmsflatfile #nonbinar #nonbinaire
#nonbinaire #nonbinar #cmsflatfile #flatfile #cms #kawaii #korea #coree #popculture #pluxml
RT @wondercms@twitter.com
🚀 Our small #free #flatfile #PHP #CMS got a new update!
Features in 3.4.0
👉 PHP 8.2 support
👉 webp and avif uploading
👉 Summernote image compression
👉 Taiwan translation
Changelog: https://wondercms.com/news
🙏 #Retweet
⭐️ Give us a star on Github: https://github.com/WonderCMS/wondercms
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/wondercms/status/1610022142531313665
#free #flatfile #php #cms #retweet
Does anyone know if any of the #flatfile systems out there are somewhat suited to replicating the nature of a dynamic #glossary site?
I’m talking about a #ContentStructure that is rather hierarchical and categories and tags might play a role in drilling down to a specific term page. I expect there would also be copious use of list includes for things like the sublists of alphabetized terms.
This is the kind of thing I have in mind, but it doesn’t concern that subject:
#contentstructure #glossary #flatfile
Just finished and pushed a new #blog #post to my Grav #flatfile #website. 🙂 It's about my #favourite #linuxaudio #plugins. 😇 https://amadeuspaulussen.com/blog/favourite-audio-plugins-on-linux
#plugins #LinuxAudio #favourite #Website #flatfile #post #Blog
⚠️ Sie haben ein Flat File mit Trennzeichen (z.B. CSV-Datei) und benötigen hierzu im BizTalk ein Schema?
👉 Die BizTalk Extension in Visual Studio bietet grundsätzlich einen Flat File Schema Wizard an. Dieser ist in der Handhabung jedoch etwas eigen und man ist ggf. schneller, wenn man das Schema von Hand baut: https://www.quibiq.ch/aktuelles/news-meldung/news/detail/News/how-to-flat-file-schema-fuer-biztalk/
#QUIBIQ #HowTo #FlatFile #CSV #Schema #BizTalk #Connectivity #DatenIntegration #Azure #QUIMON #Microsoft
#quibiq #howto #flatfile #csv #schema #biztalk #connectivity #datenintegration #azure #quimon #microsoft
⚠️ Sie haben ein Flat File mit Trennzeichen (z.B. CSV-Datei) und benötigen hierzu im BizTalk ein Schema?
👉 Die BizTalk Extension in Visual Studio bietet grundsätzlich einen Flat File Schema Wizard an. Dieser ist in der Handhabung jedoch etwas eigen und man ist ggf. schneller, wenn man das Schema von Hand baut: https://www.quibiq.ch/aktuelles/news-meldung/news/detail/News/how-to-flat-file-schema-fuer-biztalk/
#QUIBIQ #HowTo #FlatFile #CSV #Schema #BizTalk #Connectivity #DatenIntegration #Azure #QUIMON #Microsoft
#quibiq #howto #flatfile #csv #schema #biztalk #connectivity #datenintegration #azure #quimon #microsoft
#Shaarli: Automad / A Flat-File CMS and Template Engine https://automad.org/ #OpenSource #CMS #PHP #blog #flatfile
#shaarli #opensource #CMS #php #blog #flatfile
hey #lazyweb is there a #flatfile #wiki that is written in #go or #rust or some other language that compiles to a single binary? i'm moving off of #dokuwiki and #bookstack and i *really* want something that just takes flat-file #markdown / #commonmark and renders simple html
#lazyweb #flatfile #wiki #go #rust #dokuwiki #bookstack #markdown #commonmark