17 people showed up to play #FleshAndBloodTCG Blitz last night! 5 rounds. I ran Contract Uzuri (https://fabrary.net/decks/01H8DH7H200PGB9P8S9FB8QSJA, modified for Blitz) and went 3:2.
Round 1: Bye
Round 2: Lost to a superior Uzuri player.
Round 3: Won against Arakni, Solitary Confinement.
Round 4: Won against Boost Dash.
Round 5: Lost against some weird Briar build I had never seen before. Blocked everything and swung back for 7 every turn.
Looks like I do better when I play a hero that doesn't suck. 🤔
#fleshandbloodtcg #fabtcg #FaB
I wasn't playing #FleshAndBloodTCG back when Monarch was released. Now I have the tough decision of gambling by buying a case or going for the sure thing by buying the singles to build Levia. 🤔 #FaBTCG
I was waffling on whether to enter the Calling at PT Baltimore, but ultimately decided to go for it. To my surprise, I won 6 in a row day 1 (lost the last 2), and made day 2! Wasn't as lucky today, going 2-3 for a final result of 8-5 and 75th place. Congrats to Merrick Kemp for giving Dash a win!
#fabtcg #fleshandblood #fleshandbloodtcg #fabProTour #fabCalling
#fabtcg #fleshandblood #fleshandbloodtcg #fabprotour #fabcalling
Made this as a joke, but now I actually wanna make a CC Benji deck just for fun.
#fabtcg #fleshandblood #fleshandbloodtcg #outsiders
Got this awesome playmat made by a local
#fleshandblood #fleshandbloodtcg #fabtcg #turtledash
Nice pull from my last #outsiders box!
#outsiders #fleshandbloodtcg #cardgames #art
Happy Friday! Let's see those Outsiders pulls!
#fabtcg #fleshandbloodtcg #outsiders
#outsiders ist heute erschienen!
Mal sehen was es gibt.
#outsiders #fleshandbloodtcg #cardgames #sammelkartenspiel
Won my prerelease! Top 4 was all Uzuris.
Having 4 Death Touch definitely put me ahead of the other Uzuris. Blue Isolate felt amazing because you could pitch it or use it for Uzuri, then it goes back to your deck for later. Another great combo was blocking an Uzuri stealth card with a single 1-block equipment (or card), then pitching a blue for red Peace of Mind and a Seeker's equipment to block 6 total plus an opt and ponder.
#fabtcg #fleshandbloodtcg #fleshandblood #outsiders
Prerelease of #fleshandbloodtcg next Set #outsiders ist today.
Pretty hyped for opening my first boosters.
Who else is playing today?
#fleshandbloodtcg #outsiders #cardgames
Good luck to everyone in their prereleases this weekend! Hope you get some good pulls!
#fabtcg #fleshandbloodtcg #outsiders
Some cool promos for the next Road to Nationals season, including playmats for head judges and a new light judge hero!
#fabtcg #fleshandblood #fleshandbloodtcg
Got a case of ARC unlimited a while back. Opened 2 boxes (got an Art of War from each), and saved the others for later.
This weekend was my birthday, so we played sealed with one of the remaining boxes, but nobody pulled anything spicy (side note: Dash in limited is so strange to play), so I decided to open the final box today to see what was in it. I was not disappointed... #fabtcg #fleshandbloodtcg #arcanerising
#fabtcg #fleshandbloodtcg #arcanerising
Very cool new hero for #fabtcg #FleshAndBloodTCG #FleshAndBlood
#fabtcg #fleshandbloodtcg #fleshandblood
usuri looking pretty sweet #fabtcg #FleshAndBlood #FleshAndBloodTCG
#fabtcg #fleshandblood #fleshandbloodtcg
Das Spiel ist wirklich ne nette Abwechslung zum #fleshandbloodtcg Alltag. Durchaus eine Empfehlung. Leider liegt im Starterset kein Regelheft. Man muss also relativ viel rumgooglen.
How do you all feel about *stealth* just being a keyword that has no inherent mechanic besides giving the card a trait for other effects to benefit from? #fabtcg #fleshandbloodtcg #outsiders
#fabtcg #fleshandbloodtcg #outsiders
More spoilers coming in from Calling Indianapolis
#fleshandblood #fleshandbloodtcg #fabtcg