How nice of this #WestJet #737 to dump its fuel at low altitude over #WhatcomCounty instead of on the #BritishColumbia side of the border. #FlightAware #YVR #BellinghamWA #WhatcomNews #Canada #VancouverBC
#westjet #whatcomcounty #britishcolumbia #flightaware #yvr #bellinghamwa #whatcomnews #canada #vancouverbc
There was in-flight Wi-Fi returning from #MSP. #flightaware showed me why we were making unexpected turns en route. Lots of weather, but gaps we could thread ourselves through. I saw a couple of planes doing the same thing on reciprocal headings. The closing speed was fast!
More Pi maintenance, this with an old Pi 3 that has a #Flightaware tuner stick listening for aircraft on the 1090 MHz ADS-B band.
I wasn't getting any aircraft reception, so I moved the device to be closer to the window. The antenna really wants to be outdoors, and I don't have an easy way to do that now. So that attic window will have to do.
"Uptime Kuma" helped here - fetching a status.json file from the receiver, looking for a "no recent data seen" error for fast feedback.
#ADSB-B Receiver Setup mit #Flightaware #MLAT #PiAware #RaspberryPi 3B+ und einfacher #Wifi Antenne läuft!
#wifi #raspberrypi #piaware #MLAT #flightaware #adsb
from the looks of these #FlightAware aerial patterns, the “Soaring Club” of #Houston … is living up to its name on this clear afternoon.
Is anyone else getting spammed by #flightaware attempts to reset username and password
this little C185 is making good time. must be some strong winds up there.
#adsb #adsbx #avgeek #flightaware
flight from Houston to San Diego is gonna go over Phoenix instead of San Antonio (staying in U.S air space, rather than Mexican)
or it could be the high winds that caused delays from Bush Intercontinental Airport.
My ventures into #adsb have taken me from using the antenna that came with my #sdr to making a collinear antenna and putting it on my roof. Before and after pics from #flightaware shows the difference!
Interesting, #Flightaware appears to be having problems today. Unsure if that's traffic load (VERY busy air traffic delay/cancellation day) or DDOS. #ADSB #aviation
@sfoskett Thank you for that excellent writeup!
I had ordered the same #RTLSDR kit about a year ago, but never took the time to set things up. But after reading your post, I realized how easy it actually is.
Took less than an hour (including flashing the microSD card) to set things up and track the first three planes. ✈️✈️✈️
#rtlsdr #raspberrypi #adsb #flightaware #adsbfi
@outofcontrol @aconaway I wrote up a quick piece on my #ADSB receiver, which uses an #RTLSDR USB dongle and #RaspberryPi to listen and transmit to #FlightAware and #ADSPfi
#adsb #rtlsdr #raspberrypi #flightaware #adspfi
I rebuilt my #adsb receiver using ReadSB as the decoder with #fr24, #flightaware, #openskynetwork, and #planefinder feeds. Here's what I wrote down.
#adsb #fr24 #flightaware #openskynetwork #planefinder
My initial #ADSB setup is super simple: I just put the pi and the antenna on top of a hutch in my office near an outside wall. Obviously this isn't perfect, and I don't know nothing about no antennas, but it's working! It can "see" half a dozen planes, including a rescue helicopter just now.
Contributing to #FlightAware gets you a fancy account there and contributing to #ADSBfi is the right thing to do.
Plus there's a serious hacker feeling in decoding mysterious aerial signals!
The last #Boeing747 left Everett factory today, there were some unusually complicated wind angle corrections over Central Washington on the way to Cincinnati
#GIS #spatial #mapping #flightradar #flightaware #gischat #monitoring
#boeing747 #gis #spatial #mapping #flightradar #flightaware #gischat #monitoring
Interesting to see how much coverage can get spun up fairly quickly; already tracking 42% the number of flights as ADSBx is.
Number of aircraft being tracked by the large flight trackers at 1600 UTC (10:00 AM CST).
#FlightRadar24: 14059
#RadarBox: 12536
#FlightAware: 12494
#ADSBExchange: 11008
#ADSBfi: 4618
#ADSBlol: 1905
#GrndcCtrl: 1561
#ADSBone: N/A
#flightradar24 #radarbox #flightaware #adsbexchange #adsbfi #adsblol #grndcctrl #adsbone
Well, this sucks.
Not surprising, in all honesty, as the free-for-everyone model 𝘢𝘭𝘸𝘢𝘺𝘴 gets wiped out for money when access is centralised.
We need a decentralised, Fediverse-style, flight monitoring system into which ADS-B receiver owners can feed their data, with client-side apps that can take that feed and map it.
Sure, the niceties that centralised systems like FlightRadar and FlightAware can offer won't be there, but are they really necessary?
#flightaware #flightradar #adsbexchange #aircraft
Hah. My #FlightAware feed went from Business to Gold subscription, I wonder why...
So it looks like enthusiast #ADSB network #ADSBExchange is going to be the basis of competition for #FlightAware, #FlightRadar24, #PlaneFinder and #RadarBox. But for a site that started to freely exchange #ADSB data, is that going to continue?
#radarbox #planefinder #flightradar24 #flightaware #adsbexchange #adsb
Today it was announced that ADSB-Exchange, the only flight tracking group that didn't take money from anyone (including the military) to hide flight data from contributors, has sold out, leaving it's intended vision behind in favor of greed.
As someone who solely contributed to ADSB-Exchange for this reason alone, I have chosen to pull the plug until an alternative is given.
Luckily, it's open source and from my understanding, alternatives are being worked on right now. Until then, my feeder will be taking a nap.
#adsb #adsbexchange #aviation #flightradar24 #flightaware