Es gibt ja so viele tolle Apps wie #Flightradar oder #Schiffsradar. Ich wünsche mir da auch mal so was wie #Brainradar oder so... sollte doch nicht zu schwer sein, oder ?
#flightradar #schiffsradar #brainradar
Další kanadská zásilka pro Ukrajinu.
#StandWithUkraine #Ukrajina #Kanada #flightradar #Ukraine
#StandWithUkraine #ukrajina #kanada #flightradar #Ukraine
Vor ein paar Tagen war eine Meldung von #flightradar, dass sie die größte Anzahl von Flugzeugen ever in der Luft hatten. Das wird, glaub ich, auch in dem Tagesschau-Beitrag erwähnt.
Tyhle Herculesy dělají pěkný hluk, i tak daleko od hranic. Už je poznám i bez radaru.
Tentokrát Kanadská RCAF 🤫
I was wondering why there were so many helicopters flying around in this specific part of the UK 🇬🇧
🚁 🚁 🚁 🚁 🚁
Turns out they’re all private helicopters going to and from Silverstone race track for the Formula 1 race today.
🏎️ 🏎️ 🏎️
Rich bastards 😂
#Formula1 #F1 #Silverstone #FlightTracker #FlightRadar #Helicopters #MillionaireTracker
#formula1 #f1 #Silverstone #FlightTracker #flightradar #helicopters #millionairetracker
Ok, i #complottisti hanno scoperto #flightradar. Ora basta insegnare loro a leggere gli identificativi così la pianteranno di guardare l'#aereonautica #militare e urlare all'#aereo delle #sciechimiche
#fakenews #geoingegneria #bufala
#complottisti #flightradar #aereonautica #militare #aereo #sciechimiche #fakenews #Geoingegneria #bufala
Лол, пітуна ніхто не боїться
RT @KyivPost
⚡️The US has sent a new reconnaissance drone toward the Ukrainian Crimea annexed by Russia.
According to the #Flightradar service, the #RQ4 Global Hawk with the call sign #FORTE10 headed for the Black Sea.
Jak stworzyć własny OSINT-owy lab do śledzenia samolotów i innych obiektów latających [czwartki z OSINTem]
W dotychczasowych artykułach dotyczących OSINT-u, które ukazały się na sekuraku, poruszane były tematy związane z pozyskiwaniem danych z otwartych źródeł internetowych. Są jednak jeszcze inne źródła, z których można skorzystać, aby zdobyć interesujące informacje. Mam tu na myśli ogólnodostępną i otwartą komunikację radiową, którą wykorzystują obiekty latające, pływające, a także...
#Teksty #CzwartkiZOSINTem #Flightradar #Lotnictwo #OSINT
#teksty #czwartkizosintem #flightradar #lotnictwo #osint
Some orbits happening around #brisbane airpsace this morning. #adsb #flightradar
Mein #FlightRadar-Projekt hat mir wieder geholfen, etwas #Python zu lernen. Ein Script räumt meine Datenbank auf. Lernen und Basteln kombiniert.
Seems that putting my #adsb #antenna to the roof worked quite well. I get the range as the precalculation from my location showed. 👌 #Adsbexchange #flightradar #sdr #rtlsdr
#adsb #antenna #Adsbexchange #flightradar #sdr #rtlsdr
🇨🇳 🇺🇸
On #flightradar or #adsbexchange you can watch an American military plane (#COBRA47) copying the path of a #Chinese #spy #balloon during these hours.
It is a Boeing RC-135U, which is specialized in electronic reconnaissance.
Note: Such a balloon can not only collect radio data, which satellites can't do at high altitudes, but it can also theoretically serve for very precise targeting with the navigation lasers for the hypersonic missiles - in the event of an attack.
#spy #chinese #COBRA47 #chinesespyballoon #adsbexchange #balloon #flightradar
The last #Boeing747 left Everett factory today, there were some unusually complicated wind angle corrections over Central Washington on the way to Cincinnati
#GIS #spatial #mapping #flightradar #flightaware #gischat #monitoring
#boeing747 #gis #spatial #mapping #flightradar #flightaware #gischat #monitoring
The very last 747 drew this on his delivery flight.
Fortunately some airlines will still use this plane, but it is sad to know the queen of the skies will no longer be manufactured anymore.
#747 #boeing #boeing747 #flightradar
#boeing #boeing747 #flightradar
Well, this sucks.
Not surprising, in all honesty, as the free-for-everyone model 𝘢𝘭𝘸𝘢𝘺𝘴 gets wiped out for money when access is centralised.
We need a decentralised, Fediverse-style, flight monitoring system into which ADS-B receiver owners can feed their data, with client-side apps that can take that feed and map it.
Sure, the niceties that centralised systems like FlightRadar and FlightAware can offer won't be there, but are they really necessary?
#flightaware #flightradar #adsbexchange #aircraft
N956LA - Airbus Helicopters H125 [7047] - Flightradar24
#airlines #database #tracker #flight #fr24 #flightradar