Day 20. First day of issue stamp challenge.
Art of the Desert. It is as if art history only began in 1988 but here is the Australia Post official note on these 37c, 55c, 90c, and $1 stamps.
One of the most exciting contemporary art movements in this country has derived from the introduction of new painting media to the Aboriginal communities in Central Australia. While the acyrilic paints and hardboard may be recent innovations, the central themes of the paintings are the traditional stories of the Dreamings. The works repoduced on the stamps are all part of the collection held by the Flinders University of South Australia’s Art Museum. Goanna Dreaming by Jean Napanangka Brown of Yuendumn is featured on the first day cover.
Stamp cover design: Janet Boschen Australia Post Graphic Design Studio
The artists, named on their artwork, are almost forgotten because it takes a keen eye to read their names: 37c stamp Bush Potato Country by Turkey Tolsen Tjupurrula, 55c stamp Courtship Rejected Limpi Puntungka Tksangati, 90c stamp Medicine Story by Unknown, $1 stamp Ancestor Dreaming by Tim Leura Tjaplljarri. (If there are spelling errors I cannot do better with my magnifying glass.)
#stamps, #socialhistory, #Aboriginalart, #Flindersuni, #artwork, #traditional
#stamps #socialhistory #aboriginalart #flindersuni #artwork #traditional