🪝 🏴☠️ 2017. urtean kaleratutako indie abentura interesgarriaren analisia prestatu digu Beñatek: akzioa eta plataformak biltzen dituen Flinthook roguelikearena.
Kontsoletan eta PCan joka daitekeen obra koloretsua da.
#bideojokoak #flinthook #analisia
played #flinthook on the switch.
and for the record, it has one of the best soundtracks of any game i’ve ever played.
…actually, come to think of it, the whole game is amazing.
It took 3 tries (glad I announced this stream as "experimental" :flan_guns:), but I got to show 40 minutes of #Flinthook on stream and really love this game! :flan_hearts:
It's now uploaded at https://youtu.be/b6I0yyvJUWE!
- space meat at 32:42 (must be a variation on the famously delicious wall chicken :flan_aww:)
- learning from Gwarlock that I need to "eat more books" (24:42)
- a profound moment of self-reflection after killing 3 pufferfish on #OpenBSD... (23:44)
#flinthook #openbsd #playonbsd
BSD gamers rejoice! #fnaify can now help you run the critically acclaimed indie rogue-lite platformer #Flinthook! It just needs to replace the bundled NLog.dll with a newer version, and fnaify can do this for you!
Je suis à la bourre de quelques mois mais…
#FlintHook sur #Switch est une petite merveille !
Gameplay nerveux et précis, contrôles au poil, et haut potentiel pour faire des séquences de jump and gun spectaculaires avec la capacité de ralentir le temps…
Mais c'est quand même hyper duraille, je bloque au premier "Boss" et 1 mort = Game Over.
#flinthook #switch #gameing #indie