Kyle and I are working to finish testing all the flip chips in the PDP-12 we can test with the FCT (without using an oscilloscope).
#UmfPdp12 #pdp12 #pdp #dec #RetroComputing #VintageComputing #FlipChip
#umfpdp12 #pdp12 #pdp #dec #retrocomputing #vintagecomputing #flipchip
Special bonus: a picture of a double-wide M706 (rev. K) teletype receiver card under test.
#umdpdp12 #RetroComputing #VintageComputing #DEC #pdp #pdp12 #FlipChip
#retrocomputing #vintagecomputing #dec #pdp #pdp12 #flipchip #umdpdp12
Finally, here's a glam shot of the FCT with an M617 installed. Thanks for joining me on today's project! Special thanks again to @neale and @ckape for the hardware donation, which saved this shoestring project close to $200.
Major thanks to Vince Slyngstad for producing Warren's design, making it RPi-compatible, and making a 3D-printed base -- not to mention selling me this kit pre-assembled -- this is a pretty sweet package and will go a long way towards helping us keep the our PDP-12 up and running for years to come.
If you're interested in learning more about our PDP-12, or donating to the fund supporting this project, please see or check out our videos on YouTube:
#umdpdp12 #RetroComputing #VintageComputing #DEC #pdp #pdp12 #FlipChip
#umdpdp12 #retrocomputing #vintagecomputing #dec #pdp #pdp12 #flipchip
Finally, here's a glam shot of the FCT with an M617 installed. Thanks for joining me on today's project! Special thanks again to @neale and @ckape for the hardware donation, which saved this shoestring project close to $200.
Major thanks to Vince Slyngstad for producing Warren's design, making it RPi-compatible, and making a 3D-printed base -- not to mention selling me this kit pre-assembled -- this is a pretty sweet package and will go a long way towards helping us keep the our PDP-12 up and running for years to come.
If you're interested in learning more about our PDP-12, or donating to the fund supporting this project, please see or check out our videos on YouTube:
#umdpdp12 #RetroComputing #VintageComputing #DEC #pdp #pdp12 #FlipChip
#umdpdp12 #retrocomputing #vintagecomputing #dec #pdp #pdp12 #flipchip
Here's a video of the tester running a "fail stop" test -- testing the chip over and over again, stopping only on a failure.
#umdpdp12 #RetroComputing #VintageComputing #DEC #pdp #pdp12 #FlipChip
#umdpdp12 #retrocomputing #vintagecomputing #dec #pdp #pdp12 #flipchip
It works! Here's a picture of the fully assembled unit, with an M617 in and powered, and a successful test on the screen behind it.
#umdpdp12 #RetroComputing #VintageComputing #DEC #pdp #pdp12 #FlipChip
#umdpdp12 #retrocomputing #vintagecomputing #dec #pdp #pdp12 #flipchip
While @tastytronic is setting up the new more powerful #dec #flipchip tester (in its snazzy #pdp12 livery!), I went to re-watch the videos about the tester that the #umnpdp12 project uploaded to YouTube. The last one ended with a classic fix (CLEAN THE CONTACTS, LADS) while diagnosing the LINCTape, and they didn't even test the cards before making progress:
I did a bit of digging into #LINCTape and #DECTape over the past couple years, and so here's a #VintageComputing thread with some of the backstory on these tape formats.
Spoiler: The answer is *always* MIT Lincoln Labs.
#dec #flipchip #pdp12 #umnpdp12 #linctape #dectape #vintagecomputing