My latest Edutopia article was published today! It focuses on how microlectures can be used for flipped learning. Enjoy!
#FlippedLearning #FlippedClassroom #BlendedLearning #Edtech #EdChat #Teaching #Learning #InClassFlip #InstructionalVideos
#flippedlearning #flippedclassroom #blendedlearning #edtech #edchat #teaching #learning #inclassflip #instructionalvideos
"It seems that implementations of flipped learning perpetuate the things they claim to reduce, that is, passive learning.” 😬
This article does go on to give merit to the Flipped Method, but the critiques are worth keeping in mind.
Does ‘Flipped Learning’ Work? A New Analysis Dives Into the Research
#FlippedLearning #FlippedClassroom
#flippedclassroom #flippedlearning
Hoe effectief is 'flipped learning' nu echt?
Het EdSurge-artikel Does ‘Flipped Learning’ Work? A New Analysis Dives Into the Research gaat over een recente meta-analyse van onder andere Manu Kapur en John Hattie naar de effectiviteit van het concept 'flipped learning'. De onderzoekers kraken een aantal kritische noten over ‘flipped learning’.
#flippedlearning #research #effectiviteit #leerresultaten #edutoot #onderwijs
#flippedlearning #research #Effectiviteit #leerresultaten #edutoot #onderwijs
Does ‘Flipped Learning’ Work? A New Analysis Dives Into the Research | EdSurge News
#education #edtech #k12 #learning #teaching #flippedlearning #schools
#education #edtech #K12 #learning #teaching #flippedlearning #Schools
Improving Student Preparation and Pass Rates in Flipped Multivariable #Calculus with Low-Stakes, Daily Quizzes
#OpenAccess #MathEd #FlippedLearning #Teaching
#calculus #openaccess #mathed #flippedlearning #teaching
Flipped Learning Pioneer Examines Mastery Learning
By Erik Ofgang
Flipped learning expert Jon Bergmann provides a blueprint for educators interested in mastery learning.
#education #teaching #learning #k12 #flippedlearning @edutooter @edutooters @edutooter
#education #teaching #learning #K12 #flippedlearning
Heute ist für mich ein Tag zum Feiern!!! 🥳🥳🥳
"10 Jahre Flipped Classroom - 10 Gedanken" Meine Lernreise startete vor genau 10 Jahren, vielleicht wollt Ihr ja mit mir mitfeiern. Ich mache das mit diesem Blogartikel. #FediLZ #BayernEdu #flippedclassroom #flippedlearning
#FediLZ #BayernEDU #flippedclassroom #flippedlearning
Top Flipped Learning Sites, Apps & Hardware
By Erik Ofgang
Flipped learning sites, apps, and hardware recommendations from educators.
#edtech #learning #teaching #schools #education #flippedlearning
#edtech #learning #teaching #Schools #education #flippedlearning
If you're teaching mathematics (or a maths-adjacent field) in #higherEd and would like to read more about teaching and evaluation practices such as #flippedLearning or #alternativeGrading, I highly recommend Robert Talbert's blog as well as the website he maintains with David Clark.
#highered #flippedlearning #alternativegrading
Obacht bei der Aufgabe: Berechne den Flächeninhalt des Dreiecks
#Mathe #brainteaser #Lernvideos #twitterlehrerzimmer #twitterkollegium #lehrerbildung #schule #flippedlearning #rätsel #bayernedu #digitalebildung #mathelehrer #twlz #lehrer #homeschooling
#Mathe #Brainteaser #Lernvideos #twitterlehrerzimmer #TwitterKollegium #Lehrerbildung #Schule #flippedlearning #ratsel #bayernedu #digitalebildung #mathelehrer #twlz #lehrer #homeschooling