TV TONIGHT (July 10)
#MiracleWorkers #BBQBrawl #BBQUSA #FlipTheStrip #LilJonWantsToDoWhat #PeopleMagazineInvestigates #DarkMarvels #SecretsOfMissAmerica #SecretsOfPlayboy #90DayFianceTheOtherWay #ClaimToFame #TheRising #HomeRunDerby #WeakestLink
#weakestlink #HomeRunDerby #TheRising #claimtofame #90dayfiancetheotherway #secretsofplayboy #secretsofmissamerica #darkmarvels #peoplemagazineinvestigates #liljonwantstodowhat #flipthestrip #bbqusa #bbqbrawl #miracleworkers
#HGTV's new home renovation show #FlipTheStrip will heat up #LasVegas as Australia's #ThunderFromDownUnder dancers #BenCleary, #DanPaterson, #LiamBlack and #MalikWillsMartin will put their extensive construction experience to use and will work with celebrated interior designer #KellyStone to help make their clients' home design dreams a reality. The series will include six one-hour episodes premiering on the network in late summer 2023. #television
#hgtv #flipthestrip #lasvegas #thunderfromdownunder #bencleary #danpaterson #liamblack #malikwillsmartin #kellystone #television