»Rok temu zmarł Peter Straub«
Amerykański pisarz horrorów i powieści fantastycznych oraz poeta Peter Straub zmarł 4 września 2022 roku w wieku 79 lat.
#Fahrenheit_zin #TheTalizman #StephenKing #CzarnyDom #Julia #BlackHouse #PeterStraub #Mystery #Marriages #UnderVenus #Upiornaopowieść #GhostStory #Krainacieni #Shadowland #FloatingDragon #Tajemnica #PanX #MrX #Talizman
#fahrenheit_zin #thetalizman #stephenking #czarnydom #julia #blackhouse #peterstraub #mystery #marriages #undervenus #upiornaopowiesc #ghoststory #krainacieni #shadowland #floatingdragon #tajemnica #panx #mrx #talizman
#CurrentlyReading: #FloatingDragon, by #PeterStraub. I haven’t read much and nothing much has happened, so far, but it’s interesting enough, I suppose!
Also, I really feel like my #LucioFulci’s #Zombie bookmark from #CavityColors pairs very well with the cover of the book!
#Horror #HorrorBooks #HorrorNovels #Reading #HorrorLit #ScaryShit
#scaryShit #horrorlit #Reading #horrornovels #HorrorBooks #horror #cavitycolors #zombie #luciofulci #peterstraub #floatingdragon #currentlyreading
I’ve never read any #PeterStraub before, but I know the name and assume he’s pretty well liked in the genre. The cover grabbed my attention and the description convinced me to pick it up. Anyone read #FloatingDragon yet?
#scaryShit #horrorlit #HorrorBooks #horror #floatingdragon #peterstraub
These can be fun, I'll try another!
#TheHitchhikersGuideToTheGalaxy by #DouglasAdams
#AFarewellToArms by #ErnestHemigway
#LittleWomen by #LouisaMayAlcott
#FloatingDragon by #PeterStraub
#SkyeOMalley by #BertriceSmall
#September by #RosamundePilcher
#FiveForSorrowTenForJoy by #RumerGodden
Bonus pick: #cookbooks I read cookbooks when I'm hungry.
#7booksilove #thehitchhikersguidetothegalaxy #douglasadams #afarewelltoarms #ErnestHemigway #littlewomen #louisamayalcott #floatingdragon #PeterStraub #skyeomalley #bertricesmall #september #rosamundepilcher #fiveforsorrowtenforjoy #rumergodden #cookbooks