#Google #AdTracking #Privacy #DataProtection #FLoC #Cookies: "Don't let Chrome's big redesign distract you from the fact that Chrome's invasive new ad platform, ridiculously branded the "Privacy Sandbox," is also getting a widespread rollout in Chrome today. If you haven't been following this, this feature will track the web pages you visit and generate a list of advertising topics that it will share with web pages whenever they ask, and it's built directly into the Chrome browser. It's been in the news previously as "FLoC" and then the "Topics API," and despite widespread opposition from just about every non-advertiser in the world, Google owns Chrome and is one of the world's biggest advertising companies, so this is being railroaded into the production builds.
Google seemingly knows this won't be popular. Unlike the glitzy front-page Google blog post that the redesign got, the big ad platform launch announcement is tucked away on the privacysandbox.com page. The blog post says the ad platform is hitting "general availability" today, meaning it has rolled out to most Chrome users. This has been a long time coming, with the APIs rolling out about a month ago and a million incremental steps in the beta and dev builds, but now the deed is finally done."
#google #adtracking #privacy #dataprotection #floc #cookies
But all that puffery conspicuously failed to mention that Google had quietly rolled out its long-discredited, new surveillance technology, #FLOC, which it pretended to kill in 2021:
#FLOC is back, rebranded as the #TopicsAPI: this is a system for spying on you so advertisers can target you. Google is spinning this as a privacy *improvement* because it might someday replace #ThirdPartyCookies, one of the creepiest web surveillance systems.
#floc #topicsapi #thirdpartycookies
Third party cookies worden overal in de ban gedaan. Dus Google werkt aan nieuwe manieren om ons te tracken. Met weer andere privacygevaren. Want stoppen met tracken is voor Google als stoppen met vliegen voor een vogel. #floc #google https://www.eff.org/deeplinks/2021/03/googles-floc-terrible-idea
"Locality Sensitive Hashing" #LSH was used in several projects with the goal to provide privacy. The authors of this study found that quite a bit of deanonymization was possible for #FLoC and an urban planning system.
FLoC was Google's plan to revolutionize targeted advertising.
"While Apple’s advertising business is rapidly growing, Google will still be Google. The company owns the world’s largest browser and search engine, and a huge advertising network. Topics might differ from FLoC, but it’s purpose remains the same: to maintain Google’s control over the ads we see."
#MattBurgess, 2022
#mattburgess #surveillancecapitalism #ads #cookies #google #floc #topics
"While Apple’s advertising business is rapidly growing, Google will still be Google. The company owns the world’s largest browser and search engine, and a huge advertising network. Topics might differ from FLoC, but it’s purpose remains the same: to maintain Google’s control over the ads we see."
#MattBurgess, 2022
#mattburgess #surveillancecapitalism #ads #cookies #google #floc #topics
Uber se lance dans la publicité via https://www.nextinpact.com/article/70216/flock-est-taquin
Google aurait annoncé la mort de FLoC, son alternative aux cookies publicitaires, parce que la technologie n'a pas fourni la confidentialité promise, selon les tests réalisés par des chercheurs
> Les cookies mémorisent des informations sur vos connexions ou sur ce que vous avez regardé sur un site d'achat. Les annonceurs utilisent ces i…
#Cookies #FLoC #Google #Publicité #Tracking #Vie_privée #Données_personnelles #RevueDePresse #Shaarli2Mastodon
#shaarli2mastodon #revuedepresse #données_personnelles #vie_privée #tracking #publicité #google #floc #cookies
@labrit @mikelgs @desertorea @bertol Googlek #FLoC alde bateta utzi eta #Topics iragarri du:
Ez dut batzuen eta besteen proposamenetan sakondu baina ematen du modu batera edo bestera azkenean cookiek kentzea lortuko dutela. Hori iruditzen zait niri behintzat.
Publicité : Google met fin à FLoC et annonce Topics - https://www.nextinpact.com/lebrief/49602/publicite-google-met-fin-a-floc-et-annonce-topics
> Le fonctionnement apparaît plus simple que FLoC. Dans un premier temps, le navigateur collecte les centres d’intérêt pour la semaine. Il stocke localement les informations sur les trois dernières semaines. Elles ne sont communiquées à aucun serveur et sont supprimées au bout de cette période.
J'ai pas plus confiance, bizarrement.
Google's #FLoC has been replaced by a new tracking mechanism: the Topics API. It's possible to forbid topic calculation using a new permission policy: `Permissions-Policy: browsing-topics=()`. We'll enable this policy by default in @ApiPlatform. https://github.com/api-platform/api-platform/pull/2117
What the FLoC!?
Habt ihr schonmal von der neuen und vermeintlich datenschutzfreundlichen Tracking-Masche FLoC gehört, die Google einführen möchte um Third-Party-Cookies und Fingerprinting im Chrome Browser zu ersetzen?
Im neuen Artikel unserers Pyngu Magazins stellen wir diese Art des Web-Trackings vor und zeigen warum eigentlich nur Google von der neuen Methode profitieren wird.
#google #floc #cookies #fingerprinting
#pyngumagazin #pyngurocks
#google #floc #cookies #fingerprinting #pyngumagazin #pyngurocks
Mozilla says Google's new social group tracking/labelling of users into 'FLoC's' does not protect user privacy: #Infosec #News #Cybersecurity #FLoC #Privacy #HumanRights #Internet #Advertising #Tracking #DataAggregators #Analytics #Google #Mozilla
#floc #privacy #advertising #tracking #google #news #cybersecurity #humanrights #internet #infosec #DataAggregators #analytics #mozilla
Privacy analysis of #FLoC - https://blog.mozilla.org/en/mozilla/privacy-analysis-of-floc/
We are not convinced. We say that in this story too — browsers should not profile users.
#FLoC #Google
RT from Tor Odland (@torotime)
How does a Norwegian startup get covered in @TheEconomist? By taking a strong position on a hot topic - namely to limit the monopolizing powers of @google and #BigTech. https://econ.st/3yq289K @veryveryvarsha @vivaldibrowser #FLoC #cookies
RT @MercureRealTime
Today, we are very happy to announce that our public web pages are completely free of cookies! Also, we have removed all potential Google trackers (fonts, analytics...). And to proudly show that we are opposed to #FLoC, our website now sends the HTTP header to block it!
RT @MercureRealTime
Today, we are very happy to announce that our public web pages are completely free of cookies! Also, we have removed all potential Google trackers (fonts, analytics...). And to proudly show that we are opposed to #FLoC, our website now also sends the HTTP header to block it!
How to opt-out your website of FLoC (spanish) - Desactivar google #FLoC en tu sitio web: