My company just started enforcing more browser settings and deactivated my #Bitwarden and #Floccus extensions.
Back to the dark ages I guess βΉοΈ
@silvermoon82 I started using #Floccus with my #Nextcloud instance a while ago to sync my bookmarks across devices and browser, and I've never looked back since then.
I was actually wondering what took Google so long. Knowing the company, knowing how many folks use their backend to synchronize bookmarks across Chrome and Android instances, and assuming that they know how many of them bookmark torrent and warez sites.
habe gerade meine bookmarks von firefox zu meiner #nextcloud synchronisiert mit #floccus π
aber ich muss mal meine 1.1k+ bookmarks sortieren und ausmisten π
Marcel Klehr released #floccus for Chrome version 4.19.1.
Marcel Klehr released #floccus for Firefox version 4.19.1.
Marcel Klehr released #floccus for Chrome version 4.19.0.
Marcel Klehr released #floccus for Firefox version 4.19.0.
*Rolls up sleeves* Time to show some love and crank out some fixes for #floccus π¨βπ
Stunning #MackerelSky over #Poole, #Dorset this afternoon, aka #Altocumulus #floccus.
#clouds #skyscape #ChangeOnTheWay
#mackerelsky #Poole #Dorset #Altocumulus #floccus #clouds #skyscape #changeontheway
I use @nextcloud as my bookmarks repository, and #Floccus to sync that to browsers on laptops and desktops, and the #Nextcloud Bookmarks app on my Android device.
Marcel Klehr released #floccus for Chrome version 4.18.1.
Marcel Klehr released #floccus for Firefox version 4.18.1.
Marcel Klehr released #floccus for Chrome version 4.18.0.
Marcel Klehr released #floccus for Firefox version 4.18.0.
So... Had a knee doc appointment today, waiting on decision to give me the rooster gel jab.. Missing my show..
But in the waiting area i started punching someone in the mouth relentlessly including the John's Hopkins study but had forgot the name. Found and posted in case some are still in denial.
Take a GOOD look at this and not a glance!
Peace and such #tyfyc #bookmark or #favorite the link Mines going in #floccus
Event 201 Players
#itm #Event20 #noagenda #tyfyc #bookmark #favorite #floccus
@abbe98 On #OpenCollective I find the #floccus developer and some others.
@holger @GambaJo Ich fand den Weg ΓΌber die Nextcloud - App umstΓ€ndlich. Von #floccus bekommt man normalerweise nach dem Einrichten nichts mit - auΓer einem kleinen Statussymbol im Browser, dass anzeigt, ob beim periodischen Sync alles passt. Ein Nachteil: Floccus gibt es nicht fΓΌr FF@Android - aber fΓΌr andere Browser@Android.
@GambaJo Vorteil + Prinzip: Man speichert die Lesezeichen ganz normal im Browser nebst sinnvoller Verschlagwortung. Das Addon #floccus synchronisiert im Hintergrund einen oder mehrere vorher definierte Ordner zwischen Nextcloud und dem Browser. Siehe