GregCocks · @GregCocks
612 followers · 555 posts · Server

USGS Study Estimating A Monetary Value For Floodplain Ecosystem Services In The Chesapeake Bay And Delaware River Watersheds
-- <-- shared technical article
-- <-- shared paper


#gis #spatial #mapping #model #modeling #spatialanalysis #spatiotemporal #flood #flooding #floodinnundation #innundation #extremeweather #climatechange #watersheds #floodengineering #floodplains #nutrients #sediments #sedimentation #fluvial #soils #erosion #floodwaters #agriculture #farming #economics #accounting #mitigation #tradeoffs #management #landforms #geomorphology #ecosystems #publicsafety #communityhealth #appliedscience #water #hydrology #benefits #benefitstransfer #regulation #quantification #value #loss #LossAndDamage #lossadjusting #hazus #ChesapeakeBay #delawareriver

Last updated 1 year ago

@fkamiah17 Build that wall. The incomers are coming!

#limitedroom #shittyrivers #floodplains

Last updated 1 year ago

GregCocks · @GregCocks
553 followers · 490 posts · Server
Gordon W · @gordonwhite1
56 followers · 2374 posts · Server
Richard Jones · @rlcj
537 followers · 489 posts · Server
GregCocks · @GregCocks
233 followers · 293 posts · Server
Tut Willy šŸ”± · @tutwilly
63 followers · 681 posts · Server

Let it be noted that this post is taking credit for the renaming of the neighborhood to the

#seaport #floodplains #bostonma

Last updated 2 years ago

LeibnizIGB · @LeibnizIGB
106 followers · 22 posts · Server

The on 22 March serves as a crucial reminder that is an indispensable resource for life. The availability of drinking water in sufficient quantity and quality, along with many other important services, depends on a near-natural water cycle, intact water bodies, diverse aquatic and communities. Researchers at IGB are exploring how to restore , flowing and their and :

#worldwaterday #water #ecosystem #habitats #species #peatlands #waters #floodplains #lakes

Last updated 2 years ago

Richard Jones · @rlcj
468 followers · 435 posts · Server

An open to join me on my this . If you are passionate about and and want to share your expertise and perspectives, just get in touch! Details and dates in the images.

Boosts appreciated to spread the word.

#rewilding #Pollution #ClimateChange #landscapehistory #Nature #floodplains #floods #Environment #envhist #future #present #past #rivers #UK #Summer #walk #riverstride #invitation

Last updated 2 years ago

Actuaries are the worldā€™s oldest data scientists. They literally make their living applying the scientific method to the law of large numbers: fucking around and finding out.

The result is that insurance premiums price the risk with statistical certainty.

You donā€™t like these rules.

Oh, well.

Fuck around and find out, then šŸ¤·šŸ»ā€ā™‚ļø

#housing #Insurance #actuaries #floodplains #climatechange #middleclass #datascience #fafo #scientificmethod

Last updated 2 years ago

Rachel Siegel · @rachelschicksiegel
475 followers · 976 posts · Server

An opportunity arose for :

ā€œBut now, because Chinook, steelhead and trout are listed under the Endangered Species Act, the Bonneville Power Administration is trying to rebuild using revenue from electricity generation.

With help from the Trout Unlimited, Wilson won a $1.2 million BPA grant to restore his three-quarter mile stretch of river.

In the summer of 2022, crews placed 475 trees, many complete with massive root wads, in the channel to slow water down and spread it out. They built 54 artificial dams to hold water in the floodplain and create lots of little stillwater pools. And they planted , and trees for shade.ā€


#watershed #restoration #floodplains #NonProfit #beaver #cottonwood #willow #alder

Last updated 2 years ago

Rachel Siegel · @rachelschicksiegel
475 followers · 976 posts · Server

ā€œStream shape and structure
The first way beavers affect their is by changing the shape and structure of the stream and the area around it. The shape and structure are changed because beaver dams change the flow of water:
water forms a pool before the dam, which makes the stream wider and sometimes causes multiple streams
in this pool, dirt, sand, and rocks sink to the bottom. This is called . The amount of sediment depends on the depth of the stream, the height of the beaver dam, and whether the dam only covers the or extends beyond it
dig side-channels on the . A floodplain is the area around the stream that is mainly formed by sediment and easily floods. Those canals erode over time and connect during floods, which further increases the complexity of the water flow. Whether these changes persist differsā€¦ā€

#watershed #sediment #stream #beavers #floodplains

Last updated 2 years ago

Richard Jones · @rlcj
355 followers · 341 posts · Server
Richard Jones · @rlcj
346 followers · 327 posts · Server
Rachel Siegel · @rachelschicksiegel
407 followers · 858 posts · Server

Why current practices are bad: ā€œIn straight, unobstructed waterways, controlling transportation to agricultural fields is the main objective. The force of water travelling quickly does not allow water to collect in the soil or for nutritious sediment to be deposited, so incised banks become unable to support plant life. Without roots to hold the banks together, exposed soil dries and crumbles in the heat of summer, eroding the streambanks. Braided systems shrink to a single water channel, drying the surrounding land. This cycle eats away at and , which otherwise accumulate nutritious sediment, retain water underground (resisting evaporation), and promote . With natureā€™s ā€œspongesā€ gone, water and wash out to the ocean, leaving behind arid land and lost .ā€


#stream #floodplains #wetlands #biodiversity #nutrients #habitat

Last updated 2 years ago

Rachel Siegel · @rachelschicksiegel
402 followers · 847 posts · Server

I love that last line! ā€œMessiness is good in !

How we got here: ā€œWestern expansion upset this balance. As settlers introduced new diseases and deforestation, they also introduced the concept that were most efficiently managed if they were linear, unobstructed, and moved large quantities of water. They diverted and streams into deep irrigation ditches and killed where they interfered, declaring them pests. Coupled with overharvesting for the global trade, human pressure nearly extinguished beavers and the ecosystems they maintained by 1900. Of the and that once existed across North America, less than ten percent remain today.ā€


#ecology #waterways #rivers #beavers #fur #floodplains #wetlands

Last updated 2 years ago

Rachel Siegel · @rachelschicksiegel
403 followers · 849 posts · Server

ā€œBefore the arrival of Western settlers in the early 1800s, there were as many as four hundred million in America, creating mosaics that covered almost three hundred thousand square miles of land in serene greens and glittering blues. Beavers dam up slower streams to form deep moats around their homes, creating refuges not only for themselves, but also for and that rely on, and co-evolved with, these dam structures. Series of dams spawn and ā€”so called ā€œbeaver complexes.ā€ Sheltered pools of standing water provide safety for young fish, invertebrates, and amphibians. They are also havens for threatened or rare birds, like sandhill cranes. ā€œThe more complex the types of habitats you have, the more types of wildlife you can support,ā€ Clancy says. ā€œMessiness is good in ecology.ā€

#beavers #wetland #plants #animals #floodplains #wetlands #ponds

Last updated 2 years ago

Richard Jones · @rlcj
337 followers · 305 posts · Server

New being broken in for my from the to bridge. Along the of . If you want to join me for a short stretch to talk and , and the , just drop me a line. I will be using the hashtag to chronicle my journey. Iā€™d love you to tag your of with too to share these amazingly rich, complex, beautiful and precious environments with others.

#envhist #Walks #riverside #Photos #riverstride #future #History #floodplains #floods #england #rivers #severn #bridge #Humber #walk #Summer #boots

Last updated 2 years ago

Rachel Siegel · @rachelschicksiegel
337 followers · 642 posts · Server

From the article: "Increased large woody material in the channel and banks also increases stream roughness, which helps to slow water down and push water out onto the floodplain, dissipating the velocity and attenuating the overall flood peak downstream."

That means less , reconnected , more , , and .

Sadly, the description doesn't mention , who could do this job for a lot less money.


#flooding #floodplains #wetlands #habitat #biodiversity #beavers

Last updated 2 years ago

Andrew Thompson · @greenaspen
529 followers · 3330 posts · Server

Spiralling cost of ā€™s programme

At the rate of current spending that would mean Ā£20billion to protect all 280,000 homes currently identified at risk.

Madness to continue pouring vast quantities of climate wrecking concrete to address a growing problem, when based solutions could deliver much more benefit for vastly less money. šŸ¦«

#floodplains #meandering #beavers #reforestation #catchmentrestoration #NatureBasedSolutions #climatecrisis #nature #defence #flood #scotland

Last updated 2 years ago