Have you visited #floor796? You can get lost in there. https://floor796.com/#t1l1,326,2
AI surgeon tries to repair a human hand: https://floor796.com/#t5l1,315,495
4) This giant pixel art piece Floor796, created by Russian artist 0x00. It's "an ever-expanding animation scene showing the life of the 796th floor of the huge space station" featuring hundreds of pop culture Easter eggs. (Be sure to check out the Russian-language interview linked in the "About" tab for the breakdown on how the animation renderer was created)
#eastereggs #floor796 #spacestation #scifi #pixelart
Après la 2d avec pixel war, la 3d + animation ici: ttps://floor796.com
#openworld #pixelart #animation #floor796
Comment se passe la vie à l'étage 796 ? Superbe animation réalisée par une personne, toujours en cours et il y a déjà tant de références.
Cool find! Lose yourself in this interactive art while trying to find your favorite fictional characters.
#animation #whereiswaldo #popart #interactiveart #webtools #art #mesmerizing #floor796
#floor796 #mesmerizing #art #webtools #interactiveart #popart #whereiswaldo #animation