@ncommander Granted that's not common for #Distros to do so, and my goal with #OS1337 was to make something more practical than #Floppinux which can barely output some text on screen - at least connect to somethng else that is useful.
OFC I'll release it once tested and satisfactory in useability for what I want to achieve with it.
But yeah, there isn't much beyond #musl being shared among those processes, so it's mostly a tradeoff that'll cost storage or RAM in more extensive setups...
#musl #floppinux #os1337 #distros
So for those asking, the #1440kB #Floppy Version of OS/1337 will be a better #Floppinux with #Ethernet & #Network support and packing in #Dropbear as #SSH client.
So you could at the very least use it as a #SSH #Terminal #distro...
Sadly this means it will require at least an #i686 and won't run on an #i486 anymore as a lot of memory was eaten up by #486SX woraround code in the kernel...
#Development #Linux #os1337 #486SX #i486 #i686 #distro #Terminal #ssh #dropbear #network #ethernet #floppinux #floppy #1440kb
#Linux 6.4.12 (with networking support!) + #toybox 0.8.10 in 980k using #musl-cross-i686
This is awesome...
Seems like I can fit #dropbear as #SSH client on the 3,5" #1440kB #Floppy as well...
I guess it would've been possible to make #Floppinux for a #720k #Floppy as well... ?
#OS1337 #development
#Development #os1337 #720k #floppinux #floppy #1440kb #ssh #dropbear #musl #toybox #Linux
@whitekiba I already did...
Literally make arch=x86 tinyconfig and only adding in the absolute necessities as per #Floppinux ...
This thing won't be secure at all...
But then again it should only be capable of doing "ssh user@host.domain.example" logins...
Just something that boots off a floppy by copying into ram, beep and do a splashscreen before telling the user they can now ssh into things.
@whitekiba yeah, I got lit 1,6 MB for the bzImage as i486 with USB, Ethernet, WiFi and SMB support...
But that would be like a "base version...
I mean, I do have some ambitious goals, but I don't expect to be able to fit even ne [nice editor] into 1440kB..
In fact I wounder how much I can gut #toybox down further to get that " #Floppinux but with ethernet and #SSH client " goal...
I mean from there on it would be easy to expand this into a fancy #CLI-oriented desktop
@whitekiba I actually want something that is more useful than #Floppinux which can barely print out text.
If it can't have ahything like mounting SMB shares or USB drives then it must at least run dropbear to SSH into something that can do that instead.
@whitekiba Yeah, I got a 6.4.12 for #i486 with #networking to like 1,1 MB...
Which won't fit...
OFC I don't mean to get it running on such an old machine, but have something like #Floppinux that can fit on a 1440kB FDD...
Or with some added drivers and support on some modern Winbond EEPROM to provide a ROM-only terminal system...
This would also help with other projects of mine...
@whitekiba I mean I want it to be extendable at some point, but I do want to beat #TinyCore in terms of size...
I mean #Floppinux did it with @linux 5.13.0-rc2 kernel, so it's not impossible...
Not that I don't think #Floppinux is bad - far from it.
But considering that #TinyCore #Linux can do 17 MB apparently with default userland and 23 MB with #Xorg + #Desktop I do want to get things to just work without being able to at least have #IPv4 #Ethernet working and being able to mount #SMB shares or at least #SSH into things using #Dropbear.
#dropbear #ssh #smb #ethernet #ipv4 #floppinux #Desktop #xorg #Linux #tinycore
@beforewisdom and I do struggle getting it down to < 1440kB with #toybox added to it without ending up with a system so cut down and barebones like #Floppinux that it's not useable for anything.
@mattl @ernie @vwestlife or is it?
I mean, #Floppinux doesn't do much beyond being there...
I am working on a successor tho...
@smyth personally I like minimalist Editirs like #nano but I want to get rid of all the #GNU-tained stuff cuz #RMS...
And #ne will do what I demand from it in a nice package...
Personally I do want to try if I can build something like #Floppinux but more practical.
Kinda like a "What if you want/need to work on a #FDD-only booting system and only have a single FDD to get some "Terminal" up and running...
#fdd #floppinux #ne #RMS #GNU #nano
@tauon @theresnotime Needless to say I want some #basic #CLI / #TUI - oriented #Linux that just works on even the lowest-power systems and at least makes them useable as #SSH clients as well as being a good & lightweight "#rescue linux"...
Something like "#Floppinux" that can just be blindly booted into and starts an SSH server if not opens a reverse SSH tunnel and allows to perform basic tasks.
#floppinux #rescue #ssh #Linux #tui #cli #basic
@vwbusguy @benjamineskola @josephholsten @fuchsiii personally, I've also had some use time with #ash on #Busybox but that's just because I have on occasions dealt with #embedded devices and have a copy of #Floppinux.
And yes, I'm still intrigued on the idea of a #1440kB distro that one can blindly autoboot into and that automatically opens up #SSH to allow for remote login if not automatically opens it's own SSH tunnel.
Kinda like #XeLL...
#xell #ssh #1440kb #floppinux #Embedded #busybox #ash
@Wintermute_BBS sounds cool...
Personally, I wished for a #CLI #Linux that works on 80x24 / 80x25 terminal...
Maybe I've to DIY that based off the #floppinux
Помнится в 2002 году, во время воспаления лёгких (как тогда я не знал) дома я занимался познанием Linux, через освоения сборки по методу LFS. Но спустя почти 20 лет понимаю, что такую систему собирать конечно можно, но проникновения в суть её от обилия софтов и методов не происходит.
Отдельная большая тема - это пересборка компиляторов, двоичных утилит и тулчейнов.
Но вот более адекватный первый шаг - это сборка минималистичного рабочего Linux (бузо всяких наворотов - только суть). И тут достаточно ядра, образа корневой системы с busybox - в качестве утилиты утилит... Относительно недавно такой дистрибутив с подробными описаниями собрали. На Алике можно заказать и дисковод, но дискеты лучше поспрашать на наших барахолках (авито, юла и т.д.). А можно просто развлекаться на QEMU, если нет старого железа...
While most Linux kernels nowadays range in the dozens of Mb, Floppinux is a linux version that can run on a single floppy disk! https://bits.p1x.in/floppinux-an-embedded-linux-on-a-single-floppy/ #linux #embedded #floppinux