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Tijdens studie of werk
Covers met behulp van
#nightwish #ironmaiden #eluveitie #sabaton #therion #amonamarth #era #enya #secretgarden #Vangelis #sacredspirit #teslacoil #floppotron #cello
Since people liked the re-used devices toot earlier, here are 2 other people doing that:
* Flopp-o-tron Star Wars Imperial March: I don't even know businesses that had that many floppy drives back in the day: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3KS02q0BUnY
* Device Orchestra: In the Hall of the Mountain King on 17 devices (with googly eyes), including electric toothbrushes, credit card machines, and steam irons (starts slow, but gets very fast): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uDXqmO6_SpU
#music #floppotron #deviceorchestra
Vous connaissiez probablement le #floppotron ? Je découvre aujourd'hui la musique matricielle https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pG8RAbWs1yo
@siegfried Also ich weiß nicht, ich kann gar nicht so gut schnarren und piepsen, glaub ich…
#floppotron #music #final #countdown
If you haven't witnessed the #Floppotron you're missing out! Listen to the The Final Countdown here:
#music #tech #diy #electronics
#floppotron #music #tech #diy #electronics
Wie geil ist das denn bitte...
#floppotron #metallica #techporn
And if the thought occurs to you that perhaps one could turn all of these stepper motor sounds and hard disc clicks into music ... then meet Paweł Zadrożniak.
Master of Puppets on FLOPPOTRON 3.0 - YouTube
#metallica - 'Master of Puppets' on #FLOPPOTRON 3.0: https://youtu.be/AtRVTYMA87k
It's time for some #floppotron classic tonight.
Hakkame vaikselt pühade lainele tõmbama. Siin üks minu lemmik-jõululaul. Mitte niivõrd laul ise, kui esitus.
Üks poolakas ehitab aastate kaupa kummalist muusikariista, kasutades vanu flopiseadmeid, kõvakettaid, skannereid, isetehtud elektroonikat ja jumal teab mida veel. Video juurest linkidelt saab lisainfot.
The Floppotron: Sweet Dreams - YouTube
#music #floppotron #eurythmics #technology
Bohemian Rhapsody on FLOPPOTRON - YouTube
#music #technology #floppotron
You Shook Me All Night Long on FLOPPOTRON 3.0 - YouTube
#floppotron has released a new cover. This time it's You shook me all night long - #ACDC
Beat It on FLOPPOTRON - YouTube
I Want to Break Free on FLOPPOTRON 3.0 - YouTube
One more... too good, too funny!