Festival Review: Sunday at Maid of Stone 2023 (Kit)
The final day of the first year of Maid of Stone crashed into action with Death Ingloria opening up the Mai
#GigReviews #Airbourne #BlackSpiders #BraveRival #DeathIngloria #EllesBailey #FlorenceBlack #Hxan #MaidOfStone #PhilCampbellAndTheBastardSons #Skindred #SonsOfLiberty #TheLostSearchParty #TheOutlawOrchestra #UnknownRefuge
#unknownrefuge #theoutlaworchestra #thelostsearchparty #sonsofliberty #skindred #philcampbellandthebastardsons #maidofstone #hxan #florenceblack #ellesbailey #deathingloria #braverival #blackspiders #airbourne #GigReviews
Festival Review: Steelhouse 2023 – Saturday
Day two of Steelhouse 2023 and the music naturally starts a few hours earlier than yesterday. There’s a relaxed atmosphere throughout the campsite as people are in various stages of their morning fr
#GigReviews #Airbourne #AustinGold #BlackMirrors #BlackSpiders #DeadMansWhiskey #FlorenceBlack #SteelhouseFestival #TheDamnTruth #ThoseDamnCrows
#thosedamncrows #thedamntruth #steelhousefestival #florenceblack #deadmanswhiskey #blackspiders #blackmirrors #austingold #airbourne #GigReviews
Gig Review: Airbourne / Florence Black – KK’s Steel Mill, Wolverhampton (25th July 2023)
It’s been a long time since Airbourne gave the UK a proper rattling and in true Airbourne fashion, they’re going all out, headlining two festivals in the UK across two weekends and a whole host of shows across the count
#florenceblack #airbourne #GigReviews
Gig Review: Florence Black / Less Than Hollow – The Patriot, Crumlin (3rd June 2023)
In October 2022 I wrote a live review of Florence Black’s headline show at The Exchange in Bristol. My notes included the comment that this was likely to have been the last time that they would be seen in venues so small. W
#LessThanHollow #florenceblack #GigReviews