Flowers giving it one last try here in Ireland. We haven't had much of a summer at all this year, but when we look at what has happened in so many parts of the world that suffered the consequences of extreme heat, we are in no position to complain!
#bloomscrolling #florespondance
#bloomscrolling #florespondance
Not really very nice, unless you go really close, like this (and don't smell them).
The Norwegian word, "bear biscuit", seems pretty meaningless - German "bear claw" makes more sense, if you look at the leaves. Maybe.
Heracleum sphondylium
#bloomscrolling #florespondance
Stumbled on the Peace Ceremony for Hiroshima held at the Botanical garden yesterday. Only a handful of people were present. And I wondered why we don’t make it a bigger deal.
Nothing has really changed, you know? We still could ‘set the atmosphere on fire’. Actually we are. Collectively, at this very moment, we are setting the world ablaze.
Reflecting on that for one minute every year might ground us back. Make us realize our power. Make us realize how fragile we truly are
#hiroshima #peace #peaceMemorial #lotus #florespondance #Montreal #botanicalgarden
#hiroshima #peace #peacememorial #lotus #florespondance #Montreal #botanicalgarden
Amazing Gentiana pneumonanthe in Gildehaus Venn
#bloomscrolling #BotanicalMountainBiking #florespondance #BadBentheim #WildFlowers #WildFlowerHour #flowers #botany
#Bloomscrolling #botanicalmountainbiking #florespondance #badbentheim #wildflowers #wildflowerhour #flowers #botany
#Bloomscrolling is the main flower photo tag I think
#floraspondence exists too, but no one can spell it right so there's also #florespondance #florespondence #floraspondance and a plethora of other near misses
#floraspondance #florespondence #florespondance #floraspondence #bloomscrolling
Ice ice baby...
delosperma cooperi (trailing iceplant)
#Bloomscrolling #plants #flora #Florespondence #florespondance #NaturePhotography #photography #Pentax #PentaxK70
#bloomscrolling #plants #flora #Florespondence #florespondance #naturephotography #photography #pentax #PentaxK70
Cephalaria gigantea (Giant Scabious)
#Bloomscrolling #florespondece #florespondance #flora #plants #nature #NaturePhotography #photography #Pentax #PentaxK70
#bloomscrolling #florespondece #florespondance #flora #plants #nature #naturephotography #photography #pentax #PentaxK70
Poppies and cornflowers in a very warm field this morning.
#botanicalmountainbiking #wildflowers #florespondance #wageningen
Yum; blackberries on the way.
Rubus laciniayus (cutleaf blackberry)
Bombus pratorum (early bumble bee)
#bloomscrolling #florespondance #insects #flora #UrbanNature #gardening #pentax #PentaxK70
#bloomscrolling #florespondance #insects #flora #urbannature #gardening #pentax #PentaxK70
Sun catcher
Deutzia scabra (Deutzia scabra)
#bloomscrolling #florespondance #flora #NaturePhotography #plants #flowers #photography #Pentax #PentaxK70
#bloomscrolling #florespondance #flora #naturephotography #plants #flowers #photography #pentax #PentaxK70
Papaver rhoeas (common poppy)
#Bloomscrolling #Nature #Florespondance #Flora #UrbanNature #NaturePhotography #Photography #Pentax #PentaxK70
#bloomscrolling #nature #florespondance #flora #urbannature #naturephotography #photography #pentax #PentaxK70
#NoMowMay 2023 with clover in the grass
#NoMowMay #gardening #florespondance #nomomay
Andromeda polia (Bog Rosemary) on Røssenibben mountain, #Norway. #wilfflowers #florespondance
#norway #wilfflowers #florespondance
Tussilago farfara (Colstfoot | Klein Hoefblad) round the corner from the office.
#florespondance #wildflowers #spring #Wageningen
#florespondance #wildflowers #spring #wageningen
I had some visitors while I was gardening today. A fairy wren watching me from the fence and a blue banded bee enjoying these rather fabulous impatiens. I’m thrilled to see a fairy wren in my garden not just flying around the edges. Hopefully she comes back! #gardening #BlueBandedBee #FairyWren #florespondance #australianwildlife
#gardening #bluebandedbee #fairywren #florespondance #australianwildlife
Following on from my poll about posting photos to here ... let's start the new year with flowers ... lots of flowers. #flowers #photography #magnolias #Florespondance
#flowers #photography #Magnolias #florespondance
Good morning how's everyone doing today?
It's another blustery cold day here, enjoy this burst of colour.
#Florespondance #flowers
So another new week, another week of weird weather so, it must be time for ... a flower!
#Florespondance #daffodils #flowers #photography
#florespondance #daffodils #flowers #photography
So another new week, another week of weird weather so, it must be time for ... a flower!