Nobody embraces #whiteSupremacist #ideology more than a black #Republican.
#whitesupremacist #ideology #republican #floridafascism #slavery #slaverywasnotabenefit
It's all fun and games until the #fascists turn their attention to you. This is why you should never support fascists, even when you think you're on the same side of an issue.
#fascists #desantis #florida #disney #floridafascism #floridaman
Ron #DeSantis would love to see every #library in #Florida shut down because it would further his ultimate goal of having an #ignorant and #misguided #population that he can #control. And control is really what these fascistic #bookBans are all about. Keep them #stupid, keep them in the dark, keep them enmeshed in an #ideology that ensures his political #power.
#GOPfascists #GOPLies #RepublicansAreTheProblem #FloridaFascism
#desantis #library #florida #ignorant #misguided #population #control #bookBans #stupid #ideology #power #GOPfascists #goplies #republicansaretheproblem #floridafascism
#Fascism and viewpoint #discrimination are official state sports in #Florida. By virtually eliminating access to subjects the #Republicans #hate, #DeSantis and his co-conspirators are effectively establishing state-sponsored #indoctrination into #rightwing political #ideology. And that's exactly the point.
#GOPfascists #floridafascism #FirstAmendment #bookBans #bookbansareunconstitutional
#bookBans #bookbansareunconstitutional #fascism #discrimination #florida #republicans #hate #desantis #indoctrination #rightwing #ideology #GOPfascists #floridafascism #FirstAmendment
The critical problem in #FloridaFascism #DeSantisDestroysFL is that despite that #DeSantis may not become US President (still ?ble) he has installed an authoritarian government, has huge #FL support base and has a State legislature that does his bidding and the power to fight back has been successfully diluted. #FLunderseige #MoniqueWorrell #BlackMastodon #whitenationalism is embedded throughout the State Where are the challenges ? 'States rights' delivers and a policy Civil War in FL is on.
#whitenationalism #BlackMastodon #moniqueworrell #flunderseige #fl #desantis #desantisdestroysfl #floridafascism
This is what Schlump tried to do, throw out votes against him. So now #DeSantis has done this on a state level. Giving Republicans the idea that they can do this in their states too. This is #Fascism. Are #Florida #voters good with this?!?!
Monique Worrell: DeSantis suspends Orlando-area state attorney in second sacking of democratically elected prosecutor | CNN Politics
#deracist #defascist #floridafascism #voters #Florida #Fascism #desantis
Ron #DeSantis is an overt #whiteSupremacist. There's simply no other conclusion that can be drawn from his repugnant, #racist behavior. He seems fixated on mandating the teaching of a malevolent, ahistoric notion that seeks to minimize the horror of #slavery, and cast black #slaves as the lucky beneficiaries of valuable job skills, learned while being the property of #white #slaveholders. This is vile, historical revisionism at its worst.
#desantis #whitesupremacist #racist #slavery #slaves #white #slaveholders #floridafascism
@pppioe Wow, just an entire state government full of horrible people 🙄
#floridafascism #floridapolitics #floridasucks
So we all heard about the "slavery was good for black people" thing in Florida, but did you know that it gets worse? I didn't think it was possible either, but here we are.
#florida #politics #fascism #floridaeducation #floridafascism
#floridafascism #floridaeducation #fascism #politics #florida
Humane people of Florida, #RiseUp and take back your state!
#SystemFail #floridafascism #riseup
Don't be so insensitive to people who have no choice but to live in FL, due to poverty, or work requirements.
There are some 40% of Floridians who vote Dem and have been gerrymandered / threatened out of their suffrage.
Many cannot afford to relocate.
It's great to live in a Blue state and gloat over those you deem inferior, but there before the grace of God go YOU.
#floridafascism #fascistdesantis
@fmhilton Go to Florida, sit in your car, get murdered. 😡
Bullshit. This cop should already be behind bars.
#policeshooting #murder #floridafascism
Veterans quit as training, mission for DeSantis’ State Guard turn militaristic
#VoteOutTheGOP #desantis #floridafascism #Florida
In light of new legislation passed by fascist Hitler wannabe Ron DeSantis, I checked my voting and mail-in ballot status. I was still registered, but they purged me from the mail-in ballot request list. I had to redo the request.
If you reside in FL, please check your registration and ballot status every few months, and especially as elections loom.
#deathsantis #votingreformnow #floridafascism
Fight or flight: Florida losing some LGBTQ residents to blue states, but not all
>The Sunshine State has plunked down an unwelcome mat for the LGBTQ community, critics say. Some are moving out of state. Others say they’re not about to be run out of town.
#VoteOutTheGOP #floridafascism #DeSantisFailedFlorida
Florida Department of Health altered data to make vaccines look dangerous
>Last October, Florida State Surgeon General Dr. Joseph Ladapo issued an extraordinary warning. Based an analysis of Florida residents, Ladapo asserted that being vaccinated for COVID-19 resulted in an “increased risk for cardiac-related mortality” in...
#floridafascism #DeSantisFailedFlorida #desantis #destupid #defascist #DeathSantis
#DeSantis #DeStupid is definitely destroying the #Florida #tourism and #economy. You get the government you vote for. Sadly those that didn't vote for this or didn't vote at all suffer as well. *sigh 😕
Orlando conventions canceled over politics
>Several major conventions have canceled their plans to come to Orlando — and organizers say politics and Gov. Ron DeSantis are to blame.
#votebluetoendthisnightmare #VoteOutTheGOP #floridafascism #DeSantisFailedFlorida #Economy #tourism #Florida #destupid #desantis