Florida fiction is often weird and extreme. It is often dramatic. Not always, but...We are not the patrician Northeast, the genteel deep South, the measured Midwest, the pleasant Pacific. Our animals are extreme. Our weather is extreme. Our population is extreme. Our politics are extreme. Some of our fiction---definitely mine---tends to paint in extreme colors. And mine usually contains some element of truth from my life.
#writingcraft #flashfiction #floridafiction
On Halloween, Granny makes celery casserole while we play in the woods, the old Oviedo celery fields. We play with the ghost children as the cheese melts and the milk softens the stalks. Under the moon, Papa fiddles while Granny dances on a door to make the ghost children happy. 💀 👻
Image: Child petting a cat --- Florida, 1880s, flickr, State Library and Archives of Florida, Florida Memory
#50WordFiction #FloridaFiction #HalloweenFiction #HauntedFlorida
#hauntedflorida #halloweenfiction #floridafiction #50wordfiction
50-word fiction #TombTuesday #FloridaFiction #HurricaneIan
#hurricaneian #floridafiction #TombTuesday