Opinion: DeSantis’ snub of Biden in Florida shows why he’s bad at politics
#DeSantis #BidenSnub #FloridaPolitics #OpinionPiece #PoliticalEtiquette #CNNOpinion #PoliticalAnalysis #Politics #News
#desantis #bidensnub #floridapolitics #OpinionPiece #politicaletiquette #cnnopinion #politicalanalysis #politics #news
DeSantis' Florida Redistricting Map Is Unconstitutional And Must Be Redrawn: Judge
#FloridaRedistricting #Desantis #UnconstitutionalMap #Redraw #JudgeRuling #FloridaPolitics #Politics #News
#floridaredistricting #desantis #unconstitutionalmap #redraw #judgeruling #floridapolitics #politics #news
As MAGA flocks to Florida to escape the modern world, they are demanding that Ron DeSantis bans the COVID vaccine. Walking towards the light doesn't seem like the best life hack, but do you honestly think we can convince them otherwise?
#politics #uspolitics #uspoli #uspol #floridapolitics #florida #desantis #rondesantis #antivaxxer #antivax
#politics #uspolitics #uspoli #uspol #floridapolitics #florida #desantis #rondesantis #antivaxxer #antivax
(23 Aug) - DeSantis support drops 11 points after campaign reboot: poll https://thehill.com/homenews/campaign/4166249-desantis-support-drops-11-points-after-campaign-reboot-poll/ #DeSantisSupport #CampaignReboot #Poll #SupportDrop #FloridaPolitics #PoliticalCampaign #Politics #News https://mastodon.sdf.org/@uspolitics/110941434990264643
#news #politics #politicalcampaign #floridapolitics #supportdrop #poll #campaignreboot #desantissupport
DeSantis support drops 11 points after campaign reboot: poll
#DeSantisSupport #CampaignReboot #Poll #SupportDrop #FloridaPolitics #PoliticalCampaign #Politics #News
#desantissupport #campaignreboot #poll #supportdrop #floridapolitics #politicalcampaign #politics #news
(15 Aug) - Ron DeSantis has ’moved on’ from Disney feud https://www.newsweek.com/ron-desantis-moved-disney-feud-1819705 #RonDeSantis #DisneyFeud #MovedOn #Newsweek #FloridaPolitics #Governor #Politics #News https://mastodon.sdf.org/@uspolitics/110894485560681588
#news #politics #governor #floridapolitics #newsweek #movedon #disneyfeud #rondesantis
"“Dopey and Constitutionally Dubious”: Legal Experts Blast Judge Aileen Cannon’s Latest Pro-Trump Rulings"
#justice #notrump #floridapolitics #inthebag #recuse #guilty #nationaldefense #statesecrets #treason
#newsjunkie #justice #notrump #floridapolitics #inthebag #recuse #guilty #nationaldefense #statesecrets #treason
Florida “Gov. Ron DeSantis said on Thursday that he would be open to using drone strikes against Mexican drug cartels if elected president,” NBC News reports.
#wtf #newsjunkie #2024 #voteblue #hesaidthat? #floridapolitics #DUHsantis
#wtf #newsjunkie #voteblue #hesaidthat #floridapolitics #duhsantis
(11 Aug) - ’Slavery Was Good’ DeSantis Suspends Florida’s Only Black Woman State Attorney https://www.theroot.com/slavery-was-good-desantis-suspends-floridas-only-black-1850725466 #DeSantisSuspends #FloridaStateAttorney #SlaveryWasGood #BlackWoman #FloridaPolitics #RacialDiscrimination #Politics #News https://mastodon.sdf.org/@uspolitics/110871825615563670
#news #politics #racialdiscrimination #floridapolitics #blackwoman #slaverywasgood #floridastateattorney #desantissuspends
'Slavery Was Good' DeSantis Suspends Florida's Only Black Woman State Attorney
#DeSantisSuspends #FloridaStateAttorney #SlaveryWasGood #BlackWoman #FloridaPolitics #RacialDiscrimination #Politics #News
#desantissuspends #floridastateattorney #slaverywasgood #blackwoman #floridapolitics #racialdiscrimination #politics #news
It's just as I thought. Monique Worrell didn't do anything to warrant being suspended by Ron DeSantis. He is unconstitutionally removing Democrat elected officials and replacing them with his allies.
So far he has gotten away with replacing Andrew Warren. He is busy appealing a decision not to reinstate him due to his technical violation of state law. That violation? Refusing to prosecute women who seek abortion services and doctors who provide them.
#fuckdesantis #fuckfascism #Politics #floridapolitics
Ron DeSantis just suspended another elected official who isn't on board with his fascist agenda for Florida. Monique Worrell is a state attorney with the 9th Judicial Circuit in Orlando. She was elected to serve by the people of Orange and Osceola counties. His reason was "neglect of duty". As governor he does have the right to suspend officials, but he has to have a good reason for it.
What did Monique Worrell do to be suspended for neglect of duty? Apparently she is supposed to be a psychic. Earlier this year, a young man shot and killed a 9 year old girl, a journalist for the Spectrum News 13, and his pregnant girlfriend. The 9th Judicial Circuit approved his release from jail prior to murders. If an inmate has fulfilled conditions of their incarceration, you don't keep them locked up! What else did SA Worrell do to deserve this political hit job? Use her discretion when handling cases involving minors that were involved in crimes in which guns or drugs were involved. She ran on reforming how crimes are prosecuted in Orange and Osceola Counties. She is against locking everyone up. She should be hailed for her efforts to lower crime and using imprisonment as a last resort. DeSantis needs to be stopped.
#fuckdesantis #floridapolitics #fuckfascism
Florida Approves Climate-Denial Videos in Schools 😎
Florida’s Department of Education has approved classroom use of videos that spout climate disinformation and distort climate science, Scientific American reports.
#floridapolitics #Education #DeSantis (or DUHsantis) #fail #2024 #voteblue
#newsjunkie #floridapolitics #education #desantis #fail #voteblue
@pppioe Wow, just an entire state government full of horrible people 🙄
#floridafascism #floridapolitics #floridasucks
*boosts appreciated* If you're in #Florida, specifically #PalmBeachCounty and interested in #unionism, #tenantsrights, #labor, #FloridaPolitics, and #socialism - consider giving us a like or a follow so we can spend less time on corporate social media and more time mobilizing here!
(reposted after the move to #UnionPlace)
#florida #palmbeachcounty #unionism #tenantsrights #labor #floridapolitics #socialism #unionplace
DeSantis rocked by Black Republican revolt over slavery comments
#DeSantisSlaveryComments #BlackRepublicanRevolt #PoliticoNews #FloridaPolitics #RacialControversy #PoliticalBacklash #Politics #News
#desantisslaverycomments #blackrepublicanrevolt #politiconews #floridapolitics #racialcontroversy #politicalbacklash #politics #news
Ron DeSantis' popularity plunges to lowest in poll's history
#RonDeSantisPopularity #PollsHistory #FloridaPolitics #PublicOpinion #PoliticalApproval #GovernorDeSantis #Politics #News
#rondesantispopularity #pollshistory #floridapolitics #publicopinion #politicalapproval #governordesantis #politics #news
DeSantis lets go of more than 1/3 of campaign staff as reset continues
#DeSantisCampaignStaff #ResetContinues #PoliticalNews #CampaignUpdates #FloridaPolitics #PoliticalReset #Politics #News
#desantiscampaignstaff #resetcontinues #politicalnews #campaignupdates #floridapolitics #politicalreset #politics #news
Mask Off: DeSantis Staffer Reportedly Shares Video of DeSantis and Giant Nazi Symbol
#DeSantisStafferSharesVideo #DeSantisNaziSymbol #FloridaPolitics #PoliticalScandal #HateSymbols #PoliticalAccountability #Politics #News
#desantisstaffersharesvideo #desantisnazisymbol #floridapolitics #politicalscandal #hatesymbols #politicalaccountability #politics #news
The Florida State Guard is being called a "military fantasy camp" by former recruits. With a focus on marksmanship drills rather than disaster relief, it seems Ron DeSantis believes good guys with guns can stop a hurricane. What a tyrant and fool.
#politics #uspol #uspolitics #uspoli #floridapolitics #florida #floridastateguard #desantis #rondesantis #desantisdestroysflorida #republicans #conservatives #maga #climatechange #climate
#politics #uspol #uspolitics #uspoli #floridapolitics #florida #floridastateguard #desantis #rondesantis #desantisdestroysflorida #republicans #conservatives #maga #climatechange #climate